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The kitchen was a mess. Dough was everywhere, two pizzas were cold and forgotten on the floor, collecting bugs. A pizza was on fire and most that didn't have something wrong with them had a missing ingredient.

My god, it looks like a war zone in here, Isaac thought as he examined the bins of supplies. Miraculously, it seemed like the kitchen was still fully stocked. Well, at least that's fine, it's probably the only thing in here that is...

Isaac looked around, wondering where to begin. The fire alarm was still ringing in his ears, so he decided to start by putting out the fire in the oven. He got out the fire extinguisher and sprayed the foam on the burning oven. Finally, that damn alarm is turned off.

After putting the now blackened and crispy pizza into the trash, Isaac got to work with the orders. Looking at the que he saw that there were five Fizzlys ordered. He decided to get those out of the way first, since they were the easiest to take care of and didn't require any preparation. Next, it was on to the pizzas.

Making pizzas was second nature to Isaac by now. Dough, cheese, toppings, put it in the oven, rinse, repeat. He had done it so many times that he could make a pizza in three seconds flat by now. A steady string of pizzas was making its way out of the kitchen. Isaac was pretty sure he had done this in his sleep before. It was probably possible by now.

In no time at all, the que was completely empty and there was at least some semblance of peace and quiet in the pizza place. Ignoring the shouting, of course. And the banging. And all of the customers that were asking what the hell was going on. If you ignored all of that, then it was nice and peaceful and quiet.

Isaac looked out the window in the front of the kitchen to see if there was another cashier and, surprise, surprise, there was no one. Well, guess I'll go back to being a cashier.

This was going to be a long day.

While the kitchen was quiet, the boxing area was certainly not. Adam could clearly hear every word that was being screamed at the top of their lungs by the "cooks". It was giving him a headache. Eight hours a day, sometimes more if it was particularly bad, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, for five years. How the hell did Isaac not go insane in this job? Or maybe he went insane a long time ago.

Another bang was heard from inside the manager's office, presumably from one of the cooks banging on the desk. Adam was pretty sure they would break the desk by the end of the day.

Boxing pizzas wasn't particularly hard for Adam. Isaac had shown him the ropes, and Adam had gotten it pretty quickly. What was hard, though, was having to constantly switch between boxing pizzas and delivering them because the delivery drivers had been missing for six hours. All while having to listen to the cooks and the manager scream their lungs out in the office behind him.

Another bang and a crash was all it took for Adam to have had enough. Okay, this bullshit has gone on for long enough, time to intervene.

Walking over, Adam pounded on the door to the manager's office. "Ma'am, could you please let me in?" Adam had to shout over the raging voices from inside.

"Uhh... I'm a little- no, for the millionth time, I am not giving up my position!- busy in here! Could you come back- STOP ASKING FOR A RAISE!- later, please?" The manager replied.

"Open up the damn door or else I'm going to break it down!" Adam screamed. He was at his wit's end. Not in the mood to be trifled with.

Soon, the door opened and Adam walked inside. The office looked horrible. Papers were strewn everywhere, a cair was knocked over, several items had fallen onto the floor and broken, it was a mess. And, looking over at the manager, she looked about as bad as her office did.

 Adam felt bad for her. Most managers at Builder Brothers' didn't last long. Adam had seen a lot of managers come and go in the eight months he had been working there, and most of them would leave without any notice or warning, leaving somewhat of a power vacuum at the pizza place for a couple of days, before some other crazy employee would take their place.

"All three of you, out! Now!" Adam shouted at the cooks. Normally, it was Isaac that would come in and do this, but he was busy enough without having to remove some crazy employees from the manager's office.

"And who are you to tell us what to do?" One of the cooks sneered.

"Yeah, kid, get out of here, we have important business with the manager," Another one said.

"And my important business is getting you three the fuck out of here! Do you even know how much trouble you've caused for everyone today?! I am sick of it! Just do your damn jobs so the rest of us can get paid!" Adam snapped.

The cooks looked stunned for a moment, before walking out the door, grumbling and swearing about a raise or something. Finally, it was quiet. Kind of. From the kitchen, Adam could hear the cooks and Isaac arguing, but other than that it was fine.

"So, what is it you need, Adam?" The manager asked. Adam didn't even know this manager's name. He knew she would be gone in a day or so, so it didn't really matter.

"You can't pay those three," Adam said calmly.

"You know that's not my decision. I have to pay everyone equally," The manager replied.

"Really? So everyone is just either going to sink or swim depending on whether the employees can do their jobs? You say it's equal but that's about the least equal thing I've heard!" Adam said exasperatedly.

"You know the policy-"

"Oh, fuck the policy! The policy has done nothing for us! The people who are actually working are gonna get paid next to nothing because those three sorry excuses for cooks can't do their damn jobs! Meanwhile, those two delivery drivers who I'm pretty sure are dead by now because no one has seen them in six hours, will get paid for doing nothing! How is that equal?!" Adam was screaming by now.

"I'll see what I can do. The best I can do right now is to give you or one of the other employees that has actually been working a bonus. The day is almost over, anyways, and soon the people on the late shift are going to come, so there really isn't anything I can do," The manager replied, still calm.

"Okay, well, I hope you can at least do something so those assholes don't get rewarded for this," Adam said as he walked out the door.

The pizzas were getting cold by now.

Builder Brothers' Pizza is Kinda a Weird PlaceWhere stories live. Discover now