The end?

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"Are you streaming??" He said, not mad but clearly surprised. "Well uhm.. yeah?"
He got up.
Oh fluff did I mess up?
He looked at the screen, concerned. And then he saw it. His girlfriend had sent a donation asking if he was cheating on her.
I definitely did
We had been through a lot
So I know this won't ruin our relationship.
We've done odd things, heck we even flirt form time to time. There's not way in hell this would ruin our relationship.

Sapnaps POV:
I had read the dono and it asked if I was cheating on my girlfriend. "No" I answered calmly, "she's just a friend that lives next door. She's like a little sister to me." I chuckled. I could hear y/n whimper in the corner. It sounded like she was crying. I felt bad but this is my girlfriend we're talking about. She doesn't take this shit well. Another dono popped up

Moxxiemoron: Yeah alright. You better not be lying.

Thank the Heavens
I told everyone sorry and ended the stream. I looked over to the spot where y/n was sitting. She was not there. And then I heard a door slam.

y/n POV:
I can't believe it.
I can't fluffing believe it.
He didn't-
Did he?
He said.. I was like his little sister.
After all we've been through? Hah
Of course it turned out like this. He's such a big streamer and I'm just a nobody. He doesn't need me. So I was just a bother. I started laughing while crying. God I'm such a maniac. I'm so manipulative. Trying to make him be friends with me. "He never needed me. I'M USELESS!! HAHA! YOU SEE THAT? I AM NOT NEEDED IN THIS WORLD AND I NEVER WILL BE!! NOT EVEN A CHILD WOULD NEED ME. I AM JUST A USELESS PERSON IN THIS BITCH OF AN EARTH!" " That's a word I never thought would come out of your mouth.." I stopped. "Leave me the fluff alone.. you didn't need me, you never will. So just let me leave." I could feel his gaze. Even in the dark of night I still knew it was him. His voice. His movements. Heck even his body shape. He's so perfect I never want to leave him. But he wants me to so I will. "What if I do need you..?" He said. I turned. Faced him and almost choked because of how close he was. "y-you don't.. it's obvious. I'm just a little sister to you right? So you won't need me!" I choked on my words but I still had the nerve to laugh. He looked at me. Shocked. He stared right at me. I stared back. "I didn't want anyone to think I was cheating and it's also a fake relationship-" "save it. It's the least you could do. You don't need to explain it to me. I've heard enough." I said in a monotone voice. He came closer. I flinched. He was so close to my face I could feel his breath. "I need you y/n. I want you. I want you to stay with me and never leave. I can't just let the girl I love leave me, can I?" He said. I stopped. My body froze. W-what did he say? No. He's doing it again. " There you go again. Acting like you need me. Just so that you can use me again. BECAUSE THATS WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE DOES!!"
He didn't even move a muscle.

"I want you. y/n.
I fucking need you so much that I might just die if you leave me."
And with that, he leaned closer. Letting our lips touch. I winced. He didn't stop even when I couldn't breath. And when he finally did, I had a tear rolling down my face. I wanted him as much as he said he wanted me.

I looked up at the sky, smiling. This life couldn't get any better.

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