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Yoongi's POV~

"YOONGI!!" I was startled from my slumber by a screeching psycho. I poked my head out from under my covers. Jimin's fluffy hair stuck in every which direction. I glared down at him but his bright smile never faltered.

"So if you're anything like me, I know that all this staying in the house must be boring as hell." I opened my mouth to argue but I couldn't find myself disagreeing. And it was too early for my sass to be in full swing. He rolled over onto his belly, laying beside me, his head propped up by his hands.

"I want you to show me your world."

There was a moment of silence.

Then I started dying. My laughter rang from the walls. I whipped an imaginary tear.

"What's so funny?" He asked, his head cutely tilted to the side. My smile fell into my normal serious hard set one.

"You've got to be bat shit if you think I'd lead you to other humans." His eyes narrowed his smile faltered. There was a moment where he seemed to be thinking about what to say.

"I can see where you're coming from but surely you can show me something." His smile returned. His eyes seemed to shine with curiosity. Now it was my turn to sit and think about it. Maybe I could take him to a few places.

But this would be a good time for me to get outside. Maybe even getaway. I found myself slowly agreeing more with the idea.

"Alright. I know a few places." I nodded. He jumped out of my bed.

"Yes! Now let us go down for breakfast then we'll go!" He exclaimed happily. He grabbed onto my hand and hauled me out of bed.

"J-Jimin slow down!" I yelled as he ran. When we hit the stairs I was practically flying down them. Soon I was pushed into my chair. In front of me was a bowl of cereal.

"Eat!" Jimin pressed. I moved in slow motion and I could see that each slow movement was slowly driving me crazier. I did eventually pick up the pace. He had one thing right. I was itching to get out of here.

After breakfast was done, before Jimin could grab me again, I followed him upstairs. We went to his room.

"Ok, so what should we wear?" Jimin asked opening his huge closet. I gawked at all of the different options. Almost everything inside looked expensive. I walked into his closet and looked at all of the different options.

"Do you have anything that's like not branded?" I asked coming out of the closet.

"Umm maybe." He went into the closet. He stayed there for a while before he came out with some jeans and plain t-shirts along with a couple of black hats. He handed me a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. He wore a similar outfit.

We got changed before we made it back downstairs. Once we were outside I walked over to the flower beds.

"Yoongi-" I laid down and rolled in the dirt. I grabbed a couple of handfuls of dirt and walked to Jimin.

"Yoongi! What're you doing!" He exclaimed as I threw dirt at him. He looked at me. Pure offended rage all over his face. I took my dirty hands and rubbed them on his face.

"Your face is too perfect. It needs dirt. I'd punch you but I don't think the bruises would stick." I shrugged. I turned and walked away from him and to his car. He stood there for a minute before he turned and got into the car.

"So where are we going?" He asked. His voice was shaky.


"Downtown?" He asked.

The rest of the ride was quiet. And quite long.

We went through dense trees and then tall skyscrapers and busy streets. The deeper in we went the shorter the buildings got shorter the crowds grew smaller and the streets became dirtier.

"Stop here." I pointed to a short meter. We climbed out of the car. Jimin got out and fed the meter.

"I don't like the idea of leaving my baby here," Jimin said looking around. Jimin and I started to walk deeper into downtown.

We passed by a man. His clothes were torn and dirty. He looked to be more dirt than man. Once we were far enough away Jimin spoke up.

"I don't see how people can live like that." He shivered. I turned and looked at him my pace never faltering.

"There's a point where you never want us anymore." I shrugged. We kept going deeper into the city. We walked about 5 more blocks.

"So they just kick you out?" He asked as we approached a large building.

"We get too old, too used so we're either killed or deserted," I answered. We walked beside the empty building to the empty lot. A few fires were glowing from rusted drums. Everyone present, which was far and few, were dressed like the old man we passed.

We walked through the lot to the other street. Set up in this street was a market. I knew it well, it was one of my friends and I liked to visit often. For more reasons than just one. We walked through the streets blending in with the common clientele.

We kept walking. A lot of these supernaturals were fairies, nymphs, and low-ranking werewolves. We came to a little corner store that sold clothing. As we walked passed I grabbed one of the thin jackets hanging on the rack.

This action of course went unnoticed as I was taught to pickpocket since I could walk. We walked a bit farther and I managed to nab 5 wallets.

"What the hell Yoongi!" Jimin whisper shouted. He felt his pocket in a panic to see if his wallet was still attached. When he came up blank I handed it back to him.

"You wouldn't make it very far. I could pick you down to your underwear and you wouldn't even know it." I smirked. Proud of my work.

"This is what you did for fun?!" He asked rather shocked.

"What else is there to do for fun. Now I want you to try and steal that bottle of soju at the end of that vendor's table." I pointed out to him with the tip of my head. I had a plan hatching away at the back of my mind.

"Why don't I just go pay for it?" He suggested.

"Why? Don't think you could do it?" I asked crossing my arms. A small smile graced my features.

This was almost too easy.

I could tell the wheels were turning and he was thinking about it. Once he walked away, I turned and walked away. I never thought it would be this easy to esca-

"HEY! WHAT'RE YOU DOING!" I booming voice yelled. I turned and noticed a man towering over Jimin. Damn satyrs. He was frozen and didn't know what to do. The Satyrs still yelling at him. He came around knife in hand. I turned my back on him and started to walk faster.

Now was my chance to be free! Besides he was a vampire. His hand couldn't be cut off, could it?

I turned to look over my shoulder to see 3 people interfere.

"THIEVES!" The man yelled. The four boys came running in my direction. As they passed me I fell into step with them.

Of all times for my friends to step in, it just had to be now.



What did you guys think when Yoongi just turned his back on Jimin?

Do you think it was just?

Also I get where it seems weird for Jimin bringing Yoongi out like this but he wanted to connect with Yoongi (and a little beloved mating bond never made anything for anyone completely sensible).

That all aside I hope you enjoyed this really long chapter!!

1339 Words!


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