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Yoongi's POV~

I was awoken from my peaceful slumber by someone shaking me softly and whispering into my ear.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU MOTHER FUCKERS DON'T STOP WAKING ME UP!" I yelled rolling over onto my back. And I immediately wished I never uttered the words.

Namjoon glared down at me. His witchy robs made him look even bigger and more intimidating. I could feel Taehyung beside me. And that bastard was still sleeping.

He reached down and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder.

"Nooooo! I'm sorry!" I whined. Lightly kicking my legs and hitting his back.


"Ow!" I whined. The sting lingered on my ass.

"Hey Namjoon Hyung have you-" I heard Hoseok's voice come up from behind me.

"Nice ass." I heard him mumble before my butt was pinched.

"Stop! My ass hurts!" I yelped. I put my hands on Namjoon's shoulder and I tried to push myself off of his shoulder.

He grabbed my hips then sat me down. When my feet made contact with the floor I lost balance and started to fall before Namjoon caught me.

He picked me up again before resting me on his hip. I wrapped my arms and legs around him like a kola.

"What did you need Hoseok?" Namjoon question. One hand resting on my bum to support me.

"Oh right. Have you looked at my proposal yet?" Hoseok asked Namjoon but his eyes were on me. His gaze caused my cheeks to flush ever so slightly.

"Yes, I did. It's on my desk." Namjoon nodded before he walked away from Hoseok.

"What do you want to wear today?" Namjoon asked walking into, what I assume, to be his room. I thought for a moment. I was still tender so pants weren't really on my list.

"I want to wear one of your witchy robs!" I smiled up at him. He stared at me for a moment before a bright dimply smile broke out.

"I'm not a witch." He chuckled setting me down on the bed.

"Potato Potato." I shrugged. He rolled his eyes but moved to his closet anyway. He came back out with a simple black robe. When he was close enough for me to touch it, it felt soft and silky in my hands. It felt expensive.

I took my shirt off and made grabby hands for it. Namjoon's cheeks flushed a light pink and his bottom lip between his teeth.

"You should put something on underneath."

"My ass hurts and you smacking it didn't help it any." I pouted as I put the robe over my shoulders. It felt so cool against my warm skin.

"You're lucky that's all I did." He stated before crossing his arms and looking down at me.

"Well, I thought you were Jungkook." I sighed standing and making my way downstairs.

"How does that make it any better?" Namjoon laughed following behind me.

"He's the one who went rough it's not my fault I'm grumpy." I shrugged.

After hobbling down the stairs I made it into the kitchen and sat where my plate was at.

After breakfast, Jimin, Namjoon, and I loaded into an SUV with a driver. We were driven into the city and to a huge, multistory building.

I stepped out of the car and when I saw all the people I immediately turned to get back into the car.

"Come on Yoongi it's not that bad," Jimin said looping his arm through mine.

It was bad. It was so bad.

"This is terrible," I stated staring at everything. There were so many people here. So many supernaturals. There were a couple of humans but they were accompanied by the supernaturals.

"We just walked into the door," Namjoon said. I could hear the eye roll.

"I don't like people," I mumbled under my breath.

We walked into a store that was filled with everything clothing. There were pants, shirts, witchy robes, hats, and some other weird articles of clothing.

"Is this your new line Jimin?" Namjoon asked looking around the store. Jimin blushed and smile.

"Yes. The fall line has been quite successful."

"They look good Chim." Namjoon complemented softly whilst Jimin looked like he was about to melt. I guess Namjoon doesn't complement that often.

Or Jimin was just soft.

"Oh! And I've got the perfect thing for you Yoongi!"  Jimin cheered. He grabbed my arm and before I could process what was going on I was being pulled over to the other side of the store.

I looked behind us to see Namjoon slowly strolling over to us. When my attention returned to the hyper vampire who was rapidly pulling clothes off hangers and displays.

With his arms full of clothes he still managed to grab me and pull me to the dressing rooms. The dressing rooms were nice and there was a small seating area just outside.

He dumped all the clothing into a dressing room.

"I want to see you in everything. Namjoon hyung and I will be outside." He smiled before making his exit. I looked at the pile of clothes and sighed.

This was going to take forever.

15 pants, 21 shirts, 3 skirts, 18 shorts, and 5 robes I was finally done.

I came out of the dressing room.

"All done?" Jimin asked. I nodded about to flop on one of the other chairs.

"Perfect onto the next store." He clapped.

"Nooo!" I whined when I was pulled away.

"My ass still hurts. I wanna go back to bed!" I whined as Jimin pulled me into three more stores.

We had spent 6 hours shopping. And I was done.

"Ok, the last one I promise!" He smiled getting up to pull me off again.

"No! I want to go home!"

Something flashed across Namjoon's face. A ghost of a smile present.

"Alright. Let's go home." He said picking me up. I immediately koala bore him.

We went back to the car, bound for home.


Another soft chapter because why not :).



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