e l e v e n

160 10 2

p r o d u c e  1 0 1

(It counts as kpop since produce was creating kpop groups.)

Produce 101 is absolute shit.

See I was out stanning i.o.i and I remember the EXACT words that I said whenever I became a stan of i.o.i.

I had said, "This is my first time stanning a group formed by produce but I know that with this group I will make many memories while stanning them."

........Then they disbanded.

When wanna one came along I said, "Even though i.o.i disbanded I am sure that I will still make lots of memories"

......Then they disbanded.

When x1 came along I said, "Alright two groups disbanded, but I am sure that I will make even more memories, I mean they promised us 5 years, right?"

........Then they disbanded.

I remember the exact damn words that I said when I heard x1 was disbanding.

I said, "So basically, the 5 years was all bullshit? Basically, they promised us 5 years just for it to be wasted because of produce's shitty ass? So every x1 member and every one it was promised a lot but got all of the promises wasted? For what? What was the reason for all of this?"

I remember texting my friend about it because I could not believe it.

I still do not have an answer as to why produce did this.

Every single x1, wanna one, and i.o.i stan were promised SO much.

Yet those promises couldn't be fulfilled just because of produce's shitty management.

I wish produce and mnet a very d1e.

This shit did not make any fucking sense.

I can't even say uncovered because it really wasn't uncovered.

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