Part 1

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Before anything I want to say, the pictures or the characters belong to their respective owners. Things that only belongs to me are the story plot and a few edited pictures.

Jack's POV
"Hey, what's up?", I asked to the speaker on the other end. "Dude don't be late tomorrow, I will be late so you have to cover up that much time for me, please?", "No sweat Hiccup, I'll be there you don't have to worry but don't be too late or boss will bust out of anger", I said and chuckled. "Hicc, I'll have to end it here, I'm driving." I said, not only is it a bad habit, it's difficult too. "OK, call me when you reach home." I just hummed in response and Hiccup ended the call. As I was driving I looked at my wrist watch and it read 11:48. "Shit", I cursed under my breath, "Punzie's going to kill me." I said to myself. The road was very dark, I couldn't see anything before me except for the distance my car's headlight could cover. I was just taking a sharp turn when something caught my attention. As I was turning I saw a huge box kind of sliding down to the road. I thought it might block the road as I was lucky enough to avoid it or the box would've fallen right on my car. I parked my car on the very side of the highway. I got out of the car and went oeards the box. "Who did this, seriously and such a huge box." I was pretty angry myself as I might have caused some kind of accident. I sighed and stood right in front of the box. It reached till my chest so I tried to lift it up but to my surprise it was pretty heavy, as if a lot of things are inside it. So I tried dragging it to a safe spot where it won't slide off. As tried to drag it I felt the force going to the opposite direction. As if the things inside were moving fast. I wanted to know what was inside it so I pressed my left ear on the box. " Ahhhhh, what the.", I heard something whimpering. "Who is in there?", I asked to whatever it was inside and the whimpering sound grew a bit louder as if it was responding to my question. I frantically searched for something or anything sharp I my pocket and found my safety knife. I was sure something was I side, either an animal or a human. " Lower your head a bit if it touches the roof of the box, I'm trying to cut it open.", I said loudly enough for the thing I side to  understand.
Within a second I cut it open. I looked inside and "What?"

??? POV
As soon as the lid of the box opened, a wave of relief washed upon me. As the person helped me out, I started to think to myself, "All these days of misery has ended. Nothing can be better than getting out of his hands. All that's left to do now is protect myself and stay as far away as I can from him." The clothe covering my mouth was too tight and it seemed as if it is going to break my jaw. The person who rescued me started asking questions but it was too painful for me to speak, or even breath. I pointed towards the car I saw parked on the road, he looked at the same direction and lifted me up and sat me down on the seat next to the driver's seat. Soon he rushed in. Suddenly I started to see black dots everyone and a muffled voice. "He must be the one talking", I thought to myself, before I could say anything, my vision was completely covered with thick black clouds and I stopped hearing anything around me.

Rapunzel's POV
" Uhhhh, am I forgetting- oh the candles", I ran towards the drawer to pick out Jack's favorite candles. I lightened the candles for a trial, "Hmm, looks pretty." I said to myself and blew them off. It's been 4 months since Jack and I are officially together. Just to celebrate the day I prepared dinner for Jack today. It wasn't easy for him to get over her, he has been trying everything to know about her whereabouts after our graduation. I can't say he has fully gotten over her but he seems to be better than before. I try to do everything within my abilities to help him forget her but ofcousre it'll be hard for him since they knew each other since childhood and has been together for years.
I was deep in my thoughts when suddenly I heard my phone ringing. "Jack", I said as a smile crept to my lips. "Hey", I tried to say as calmly as I could. "Punzie, where are you now?", he asked me and his voice presented how enthusiastic he was. "At home but why are you sounding as if you are laughing and crying at the same time?", I asked a bit confused. He was laughing like a crazy person. "Nothing happened to me but something miraculous happened. I'm heading towards the hospital, I'll send you the address. Tell everyone else to be there too.", he said and hung up. He was too excited to even let me speak. Soon I forwarded the address to Hiccup, Merida, Anna and Kristoff that Jack sent me. And everybody started texting.

Anna- What happened to who, punz? Why are you telling us to go to the hospital? 😟

Hiccup- Is everyone OK? Why hospital.

Rapunzel- Yeah, but I'm concerned about Jack. He is the one that told me to forward the address to all of you guys. And he was acting a bit weird. He was kind of laughing and crying at the same time. I'm concerned.

Kristoff- Then, is he OK? Or else why would he say to go to the hospital?

Merida- Did he bump his head somewhere and go crazy? 😒

Rapunzel- Let's hope not. But when are you guys going?

Kristoff- Well, I'm ready and was just about to head out.

Hiccup- Kristoff where are you? I'm on my way already, I'll pick you up, then Punzie, Mer and then Anna. How does that sound?

Kristoff- sure, others?

Anna- 👍🏻

Rapunzel- Fine by me.

Merida- sure do!

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