New changes

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It was the day after all the portals closed and the magic was gone from the world. Leaving the mewman and the monsters stuck on earth.

Marco's alarm clock goes off waking Marco up.

Marco thinks to himself. Today's the first day back at high school what a crazy summer it has been. Between fighting monsters to stopping magical knights. And now I'm going out with my best friend Star. A little school and a bit of normality is just what the doctors ordered.

Marco jumps out of bed then rushes to the bathroom he has a quick shower and brushes his teeth. He then changes out of his pyjamas and into his usual light gray shirt. His red hoodie jacket, dark gray jeans, and his olive and white pair of sneakers. Marco then runs downstairs where his parents was sat watching the news on tv.

Miss Diaz: "Good morning Marco are you on your way to stars?"

Marco: "Yes mum if i don't wake her we be late for our first day back at high school."

Miss Diaz: "Okay Marco just don't make yourself late i don't want your grades to go down."

Marco grabbed a piece of toast that just popped out of the toast and grabs his back pack.

Marco: "Well im off I'll see you all later"

Marco runs out of the house and walks down the street. He sees the deverstation the monsters have caused to the town big giant foot prints in the road torn up buildings. Marco finally arrived at the castle where the butterfly family was staying. Their was a lot off angry mewmens complaining outside the castle.

Marco: "Woah whats going on!"

Marco knocks on the door and is quick dragged inside the castle.

River: "Sorry for dragging you inside my boy but we can't let them in."

Marco: "What's going on River why is there a lot of angry mewmens outside the castle?"

River: "Well you see my boy Earth is not the same as it is Mewni.

"Things are scary with your metal horses and your big building everywhere."

"The town fork are very scared and are wanting answers."

Marco: "I guess it just going to take time to adjust to their new surroundings."

River: "I wish it was that simple."

"If your looking for Star she's still asleep you better go wake her up or she be sleeping all morning."

Marco runs upstairs and bumps into queen moon on the stairs.

Marco: "Oh I'm sorry i wasn't watching where i was going."

Queen Moon: "It's quite alright Marco just watch where you are going in the future."

Marco knocks on Star's door but there was no answer. He then quitely enters Star's bedroom. Star was fast asleep with a bit of drowl coming from out of her mouth. And her blankets lay down on the floor Marco gently shakes Star.

Marco: "Star it's time to get up if we don't hurry we will miss the school bus."

Star rubs her eyes and sits up in bed.

Star: "Ahh Good morning Marco what time is it?"

"It's half past nine we got half an hour before the bus comes!"

Star: "Relax Marco we have plenty of time.

"Now go wait with my parents I've got to get ready for school."

Star runs to the bathroom whilst Marco goes downstairs and sits at the dining table with River and Queen Moon.

Queen Moon: "I'm sorry Marco she's going to make you late."

Marco: "It's okay I dont mind waiting I'm sure she's finding it hard without her magic."

Queen Moon: "She will be but she just have to learn how to adjust we all will."

"Now if you excuse me I'll have to help the people of Mewni settle in I'm not looking forward to it."

Marco: "If you like i could help you after all i am from Earth."

Queen Moon: "No dear it's a queen's job or should i say former queen job to address the issues of it citizens."

"But thank you Marco for the offer but your education is more important."


Just then they hear a loud bang coming from upstairs.

Queen moon: "Ohh dear Marco please go check on her make sure she's okay!"

Marco runs upstairs then knocks on the bathroom door.


Marco: "Are you okay in there?"

Star: "Yeah I'm fine I just slipped on the floor that's all."

A minute later Star opens the door she was wearing her green and rainbow dress with her green striped leggings and pink boots. Her hair was a totally mess."

Marco: "Woah star what happened in there?"

Checking out the messy bathroom behind her.

Star: "Ahh it's so frustrating not able to use my magic!"

"My hair is a total mess i don't know how you humans do it without magic!"

Marco: "It will take sometime but you get used to it."

"Now come here let me brush your hair for you!"

Star: "Aww thanks Marco."

Marco grabs the hair brush near the sink and starts brushing Star's hair.

Star: "Ow be more gently Marco!!"

Marco: "Opps sorry Star I'll try to be a little more gently."

Marco brushes Star's hair nice and straight then places her horned headband onto her head.

Marco: "There we go all nice and neat."

Star: "Thanks for the help Marco."

Star kiss Marco on his cheek in which makes him blush.

"Star: Marco woah look at the time we only got ten minutes to the bus comes!!"

"Ill just got to grab my bag it's in my bedroom."

Star runs to her bedroom and fetches her bag. Then Marco and Star run out of the back of the castle to avoid the citizens of Mewni.

Star and Marco Mayhem on Mewni Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt