The Letters

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Marco: "Jenna could have gave us a little more warning!"

Star: "Yeah she surprised me too!"

"But let's forget about that for now need to hurry to the monster temple."

"Before the military shows up!"

Star and Marco run through the city. They see piles of smashed cars and broken buildings everywhere.

Marco: "Woah look at all the damage!"

Star: "I'm sure they didn't mean too they are not used to being on Earth!"

Marco: "I'm sure your right the monster temple is just around this corner."

Marco run around the corner and see loads of monsters shouting and complaining rasing their firsts into the air. Marco and Star run past the monsters then enter the temple. They see Eclipsa holding Meteora in her arms.

Eclipsa: "Star, Marco what brings you both here?

"As you can see its a little hectic around here at the moment."

Star: "I'm afraid it's going to get way worse the military are on the way here!"

Eclipsa: "But we haven't done anything wrong I'm sure we can settle this peacefully."

Marco: "The history of monster movies would say otherwise.

"We just came through the city buildings and smashed cars everywhere you look."

"They aren't going to take that kindly."

Eclipsa: "I guess you're right ohh what are we going to do?"


A paper plane hits Eclipsa in her face a note was written on the back of a Britta's tacos flyer.

Eclipsa: "What is this?"

"It's written in Ancient Mewni language!"

"Come to Britta's tacos thats odd where is that?"

Marco: "Britta's tacos it's not far from here that was where the magic well was!"

"I wonder why they want Eclipsa to go over there?

Eclipsa: "I guess we just need to go and find out!"

"Come on dears im going to need you to show me the way."

Star, Marco and Eclipsa sneak out of the monster temple. After walking a few minutes they had arrived at Britta's tacos.They head into the back of the restaurant. And enter the the cavern. Eclipsa looks at the writing on ruins with the picture of Glossaryck on the wall.

Eclipsa: "look at this it's written in very old Mewmen writing!"

"It talks about restoring the magic to the well!"

"If this spell works we could have magic restored and be back on Mewni!"

Queen butterfly: "Is that true you can restore the magic and return us all back to Mewni?"

Star: "Mum, Dad what are you two doing here?"

Queen butterfly: "We received a letter sweetie telling us to come here."

River: "We would have got here sooner."

"But we got lost and had to ask some people for directions."

Queen butterfly: "Did you send us the letter Eclipsa?"

Eclipsa: "No I'm just as shocked as you are!"

"But let's not dilly-dally the military are heading to the monster temple as we speak!"

Star: "Right how can we help?"

Eclipser: "Firstly we need to get into the well and hold hands in a circle."

"Then we need to chant these words."

"I honor the divinity within myself. May all beings everywhere be happy and free!"

Marco, Star, Eclipsa, Moon hold hands in a circle and recive the chant. The water in the well starts to glowing around them.

Star: "It's working!"

Eclipsa: "We can't stop now we must keep going!"

After a few minutes the water turned back to gold the magic had been restored.

Star and Marco Mayhem on Mewni Where stories live. Discover now