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Star: "Glossaryck what are you doing how are you here?"

Glossaryck: "I reside in the book of spells you see!"

Pointing to a page near the alter. Star picks up the page.

Star: "Anti magic spells why are these here?"

Glossaryck: "Merlin toor two pages from the book of spells.

"As the spells were to powerful!"

"Curse magic, dark magic that feeds of the person's malice!"

"And anti magic, light magic that is powered by having a pure heart, and an un wavering spirit!"

Star: "Does that mean Toffee was here?"

Glossaryck: "Indeed he put the dragon to sleep."

"He then tried to remove the sword from the stone but couldn't."

"Toffee then went to the altar where he found the page about cursed magic."

Marco: "Wait a minute why didn't you tell us about this back at the castle?"

Glossaryck: "You never asked."

Marco: "Err he's so frustrating!"

Glossaryck: "Now you two are still not ready to fight toffee you need to practice first."

Marco: "I think i know how to use a sword!"

"I did spent sixteen years fighting monsters in dimensions X-103."

Star: "And I've got even better at casting spells!"

Glossaryck: "Okay fine Marco show me how you swing the sword."

Marco swings Excalibur the sword was pulling Marco in all different directions.

Marco: "Make it stoooop!"

Marco crashes into the alter.

Glossaryck: "You see Marco it's a magic sword you have to be as one with the sword to wield it."

Marco: "How do i do that?"

Glossaryck: "Like the old saying goes practice makes perfect!"

"Now Star it's your turn I'll fire a magic spell and you cast an anti magic spell."

Star: "Got you im ready!"

Glossaryck fires a small jet of water through his fingers. Star points her wand towards Glossaryck.


"Nothing comes out off her wand and shes hit in the face by the jet of water."

Star: "Why didn't it work what am i doing wrong?"

Glossaryck: "Clear your mind of all thoughts. only visualise on creating a strong shield lets try that again shall we."

Glossaryck again fires a small jet of water through his fingers. Star points her wand towards Glossaryck.


Stars wand glows up a little but in the end shes hit in the face by the jet of water.

Glossaryck: "Ohh boy this going to take longer then i thought."

"You are not leaving this place until you both can control your powers!"

Star: "WHAT i can't stay here Toffee could invade Mewni any day now!"

Glossaryck: "From my calculations you have about two weeks before he can raise his army together."

"In that time I'll train you on how to use your new powers."

"If you fail Mewni would be destroyed!"

Marco: "We can't stay here for two weeks we don't have any food!

"And we are down to our last pair of clothes!"

Pulling at his jumper.

Glossaryck: "I'm afraid i can't do anything about your clothes."

"But there's food all around you fish in the stream and fruit in the tree over there."

Pointing to a stream and a fruit tree.

Glossaryck: "Now let's begin with your training!"

Star and Marco Mayhem on Mewni Where stories live. Discover now