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In london

Wales:Your Majesty the attack went through,We managed to severely damage Bismarck,Though Hood is severely damaged as well

Elizabeth:Hmm,So we failed to Incapacitate Tirpitz?

Wales:Yes your Majesty

Elizabeth:Then the Operation wasn't a full success

Wales:What would the next step be?

Elizabeth:Does our spies have intel on Tirpitz's next Assignment?

Wales:Yes,She is to be Assigned with Graf spee and Prinz Eugen for a Scouting mission just A hundred miles Southeast

Elizabeth:We do an Ambush attack

Warspite:Your majesty I volunteer to lead the Ambush

Elizabeth: Right,You are to lead Renown,Repulse,Ajax,Ark Royal,Belfast and Rodney

Warspite:Rules of Engagement?

Elizabeth:Use Smokescreens To your Advantage,Wait for the perfect moment and strike all at once,Take all of them out

Warspite:Yes your Majesty

Elizabeth:Wales,When is they gonna start?

Wales:In a few Hours

Elizabeth: Warspite, When it's time,Move out to intercept them




The other Spies

Javelin:Miss Ranger,We got our Orders

Ranger:Relay them to me

Javelin:Maintain close surveillance of Tirpitz's group until our Ambush Force arrives and we are to lend them a hand in the Attack

Ranger:Roger that,Any news from Glowworm?

Javelin:Nothing noteworthy

Ranger:For just being in Combat,They sure are letting their guard down.... Something's gotta be up,Tell Glowworm to head up to their Command office and inform us of anything new



Tirpitz:*Pacing Back and forth*

Y/N: It's gonna be fine Tirpitz

Tirpitz:I know,But I can't get my head off of what happened

Y/N:I see

A knock came to the door


Scarnhorst:Commander,News from our U-boats

Y/N:What is it?

Scarnhorst:They came across an Enemy spy,The enemy knows Tirpitz is going to be conducting Reconnaissance near Azores

Y/N:How big of an Ambush are we expecting?

Scarnhorst:We don't know sir


Tirpitz: Scarnhorst. You,Gneisenau,Hipper and Konigsberg are Joining us


Tirpitz:Do we have any Aircraft near the Area of Operation?

Scarnhorst:We got A Handful of 109s and 190s

Tirpitz: They're not gonna be Enough....

Scarnhorst:I Suggest to Mobilize our Submarines Too

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