I have you

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thats it... JK said 

Jin : U SURE??

JK : yes hyung... can..i go .... to my room...plzz

suga : (heheh) go .. have your time to accept the reality

Jungkook smiled and left

(JK IN HIS ROOM) reading the other part.

I need you to trust me.

jisoo unnie and jennie unnie was thinking of meeting together ......like all of us together. I read your mesaages earlier one ... and i feel they are right it may be a problem for us and you already know YG, they have never taken any strict action against any other issue. ... and since i want you to know all of it , I am telling you I knew you from earlier . I dont know if you remember or not but the day when you were at the restaurant it was me who gave you the biscuit, I fell in love with you at that very instant. I wanted to talk but i was very nervous. Then at the Bambam's party i only came to see you... Jungkook I know its not easy but i really love you and I dont want to be fast I want to take it slow and I know that we will be having a lot of troubles in the future but still i really want to HAVE YOU beside. And I know I HAVE YOU.

JK : (mumbling in his own) I knew she was the one..... why didnot i talk to her at that time *stupid me*


jk : lets not meet outside rather lets meet on the day of award 

show.. it would be casual enough.. and yes before

 you wonder where i got your phone number 

..i actually took it from bambami .. lol... 

                                                              lisa : its fine.... thank god u took it.. i was a

                                                                       bit shy to ask him anyway. Jungkook

                                                                      since its my first love i really want to

                                                        experience it nicely so i hope you would not

                                                                   break me and even i would not do too.

JK : yes my lady.. yah lisa i just wanted to say

that i have really not fallen in love like this

for anyone. It is my first time too.. Lets make our

first love forever ... 

excited to see you day after tomorrow doll. 

 ... miss me ; p

                                                                                                                 lisa : sure sir. :D .

(lisa turns off her phone)

she goes to tell about this to her unnies and rose who were busy practicing for the award show. at the rehearsal stage

jennie: it is  a good idea .. i am ready lets first settle our feelings and then tell anything about this to our manager.

jisoo : yes fine

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