Parrot talk

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Ok so time to meet my birbs 🦜

Meet Ice !!! He is my oldest parrot

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Meet Ice !!! He is my oldest parrot. 5 years old and male. He is a regent parrot that is native to Australia. He is not very fond of humans except if you give him some apple or banana he will appreciate that. He is my first ever bird. I got him after my cat passed away. I was sad and lonely so my parents asked me if I wanted a new pet. I didn't instantly agree because that would be impulse buying. So I took my time to search the web about different parrot species, what they eat, how big the cage they need, if they have any special needs and stuff like that. So for 3 years I searched and learned. I wrote some notes and stuff. And then I told my parents I was ready for a bird. They of course thought I wasn't really ready for a bird as that is harder to take care of than a dog or a cat but I have fallen madly in love with parrots. And so first we wanted a rosella but after seeing that the breeder had many other birds like alexandrian parrots, princess of Wales parrots, budgies and more we chose the regent parrot because from all the birds there the colours were spectacular and the personality that he said they had sounded perfect for me. So we got the bird. After a few days of having him I noticed that I wasn't ready for a bird. Especially a regent parrot because I didn't even know there were these kind of species. Ok so few more days of research I was ready and we had made quite the bond over apples.

 Ok so few more days of research I was ready and we had made quite the bond over apples

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Meet Rocky !!! He is my male, 2 year old Kakariki parrot (parakeet). I got him after 2 months that I got Silver, my beautiful cinnamon Pearl pied cockatiel who needed a friend after ice rejected him. But sadly the next day after we got his friend he dies of some kind of disease that a Latvian vet couldn't Identify but me being the expert I am know of what but I didn't tell her cause I knew there was no way I could save him as the disease was on the second stage and that means it wasn't treatable. And so Rocky then lived 1 year alone.

Meet Rico !!! She is a 1 year old budgie

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Meet Rico !!! She is a 1 year old budgie. And actually she turned 1 year old 4 days ago. I got her because Rocky was looking really under the weather and so I got her when she had just left her nest. She was exactly 1 month old. She is also known as the mother of the 2 babies but sadly the sick budgie did end up passing away. I think it had some problem digesting food that day and so she/he just died after I got home. Rico being the mother was actually really sad. She didn't eat and didn't want to leave the cage but eventually I got her to move on and be happy that her other child is still alive.

 She didn't eat and didn't want to leave the cage but eventually I got her to move on and be happy that her other child is still alive

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Meet Iago !!! He is my male, violet budgie who is about 1 year and 4 months old. He is the father of Draco. I got him because my budgie really wanted a friend of her own kind. And so my friend got him for my birthday. Of course I was happy but birds aren't really supposed to be gifts. Cause it can us usually end up with the bird not being allowed and stuff like that but my parents allowed everything and I got a new cage for them. And so 1 month with him living here both were actually showing signs of wanting to mate so I gave them that opportunity. And after 1 month the first egg was born. 1 month later the firsts budgie hatched. 1 month later the first to be laid and first to hatch left the nest and began his journey of life. Iago was originally bought from a pet store where he was alone. Turns out he had a friend but someone bought the other one and he was left looking sad.

Meet Draco !!! He/she is Rico and Iago only child

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Meet Draco !!! He/she is Rico and Iago only child. He/she is now 4 months old. In fact I am not able to tell if the angel is a male or female but either way the name Draco is staying. He unfortunately was born with french moult which means that his tail and flight feathers fall out and he is left being unable to fly. So sadly his start of life wasn't the greatest. Trying to fly ending up falling down to the floor, hurting himself and wanting cuddles from me to calm himself. But 4 days ago on my name day I got the best present from him and that is new 2-3 flight feathers in each wing and 2 new tail feathers. That means I'm like 2 months at least he will be able to fly and be a part of the flock.

 That means I'm like 2 months at least he will be able to fly and be a part of the flock

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In two months I will be getting a new bird. But i still haven't found the perfect match. I may be getting a cockatiel because the personality of being lovely, cuddly, and funny. But I also may be getting a rosella for being rainbow coloured and mischievous, being privet and maybe surprising his/her owner with cuddles when he/she wants some. Or maybe if Latvia has any I may get a conure known for being the clowns of the small/medium parrots, singing/screeching, playing and clowning around. But I'm still not sure. Latvia has great options for birds but it's hard to find the perfect one when it's covid time as many pet stores don't really have many birds. Or maybe I could go to a breeder but I still haven't found the perfect person to buy a bird from as many are either too expensive or I don't have so much experience.

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