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I get a plate smashed on my head. I suddenly fall to the floor and I get hard kicks to the stomach.

"Stand up! You worthless trash!" My drunk dad yells.

At his words I stand up. He then punched me in the face a few times then punched me in the gut knocking all he air out of my lungs causing me to fall over again.

"Get up and go to your room." My dad states harshly as he walks into his room.

I stand up and start to walk to my room as well. Oh, your probably confused, let me introduce myself. I'm Felix. Felix Blake. I'm 17,  dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'5. As you can tell I'm abused by my dad. It's because he thinks it's my fault that my mom died. She died of cancer about 4 years ago so the abuse started when I was 13. I don't go to school or even get to leave the house because of how skinny I am and all of the scares and bruises I have. I have a driver's license though. I have a phone and I've got 3 online friends. So yeah, that's about it, anyways.. no matter how bad this gets, I know I'll get away from here... Someday.

A/n: sorry that this part is short but I promise they will get longer and hopefully better. Anywayz enjoy 😊.

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