part 1

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*1 month later* (a/n: italics are the thoughts that mind-readers hear :)

I woke up in the same clothes I wore yesterday because of forgetting to change. I get up and grab a T-shirt, ripped jeans with my mom's old black hoodie. I go into the bathroom to start the shower, I strip my clothes off and hop into the shower.

This is the only place I can think peacefully or sing. Yep, I like to sing. It makes me happy and gives me confidence.

I finish my shower, hop out and get dressed. Grabbing my dirty clothes and heading to my room. I put the clothes in the basket and sit on my bed putting my phone in my pocket. Then my dad walks in.

"I'm leaving for an hour or so, when I come back and if your gone...  I will find you and I won't hesitate to kill you." Dad states.

"Ok." I state bluntly.

He walks out of the room and I soon hear the front door open then close. I wait for a few minutes then run to the living room, look out the window to see he already left.

Perfect. I found this the best opportunity to finally escape this nightmare.

I threw my shoes on, grabbed my survival bag and my phone then ran out the front door. Of course closing it behind me. I went on my phone and turned my location off and continued running.


I kept running. I have no idea where I'm going until I spot a town. I decide to go to the town so I continued running, but realized that my dad could be here. I need to stay hidden. I ran to the giant hollow oak tree and went inside. Crap. I need to tell my friends.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and click on our group chat and hit the call button and they answered immediately.

Me: um.. Tate, Gabbie, Christina..? I need to tell you something ASAP!

Gabbie: Felix. You sound exhausted. Did he beat you again?

Me: no. I did it!

Christina: Did what? Wait! You escaped?!

Me: yeah! I ran away!

Tate: yes girl!  Us girls did too. We got tired of being abused. Anyways we're finding you so.. where are ya?

Me: in town... Across the coffee shop inside of the giant hollow oak tree.

Gabbie: alright. We're on our way.

Christina: don't get caught, love you girls.

Tate-Gabbie-Me: love you too.

I then hung up. Did I mention that my friends also get abused? Yeah, we're all very similar in some ways which made us click almost instantly and ever since we've had each other's back.

I suddenly get a notification from YouTube captioned  'runaway teenage boys' This seems interesting to me so I'm gonna watch it. I was about to click it when Tate, Christina and Gabbie came inside the tree.

"We finally get to meet in person." I said "how'd y'all find me so fast?"

"Yeah.. it's good to see everyone in person, anyways, we found each other in town and we happened to be a few minutes away from here." Gabbie smiled.

My smile quickly faded. "We need to leave town asap."

"Yeah.. our dad's and Gabbie's mom will be after us soon." Christina frowned.

Tate then seems to notice my backpack. " What's inside your bag?" She asks.

"Bag?" Christina and Gabbie ask curiously.

"There's extra clothes, food, snacks, water, some pocket knives, and toiletries which should last us about a week just in case I brought my 60 dollars." I explained.

"I've got 45 dollars." Gabbie states.

"I have 50." Christina says.

"And I have 65. We have 220 in total." Tate says. 'how did I do that

"How did you do what?" Me and Christina ask in unison.

Tate then looked at us like we had 5 heads. "Did I say that out loud?"

"No..Tate, you didn't say anything.."Gabbie says with a look of concern.

"But that's what I was thinking!" Tate says shocked.

"Well.. anyways what did you mean by what you thought?" I asked curiously.

"Well.. I was just thinking of how I somehow managed to escape." Tate said.

"Your lying.. I don't know how." Christina said. "But I do know your lying its like a gut feeling I got when you said that."

"Um..guys.. this is gonna sound crazy but... I can hear our parents about a mile away.".."And they're now across the street." Gabbie pauses. "THEY KNOW WHERE WE ARE!" Gabbie panics.

"Alright I think we have powers because there's no other explanation. But to prove we need to hold hands and don't let go..3...2...1... NOW!" Tate commanded.

We all grabbed each other's hands. I looked at myself and the others but I didn't see myself or the others.

'Wait. We're invisible... Wow I'm dumb. I'd go perfect with a school dropout.'

'omg you so would haha'

'Christina you'd be with a makeup bag lol' 

'omg lol, wait. Would Tate be with a nerd then?'

' I have no idea ,but you can leave my head now lmao'

'fine.. but I'll return Felix lol baii'

' whatever lol, baii'

Soon as mine and Christina's conversation ended, Mine, Tate's, Christina's dads along with Gabbie's mom looked inside the tree and directly at us but didn't see us. They gave up and left. After they walked away we let go and became visible again.

"That...was a very close one." Christina said.

"Yeah..I about peed my pants." Gabbie laughed.

"Hey we should leave before anyone else tries to find us." I say.

"Yeah.. let's go." Tate says.

We all get out of the tree and run to the woods not knowing if we would return. This... is only the beginning

A/n: hehe there's more to come
Enjoy:) oh and why don't we and the girls are all 17 in this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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