Chapter 10: All I Want is You

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*Skipping to a few days before Christmas because I can*

"What do you want?" Danielle asked for the millionth time since we got home from the UK a few days ago.

"I told you, I don't want anything," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Lies!" she yelled, "I'm gonna get you something anyway, so you might as well tell me what you want."

I sighed, "I don't know. You know what I like."

She shrugged, "So what are we getting the guys?" I gave her a look and she exclaimed, "I know they said not to buy anything, but that doesn't mean we can't make them something!"

"What if we were really cheesy and we made them a scrapbook?" I smiled.

"Luckily, we're those couples that take pictures of each other all the time," Danielle laughed.

"Exactly! It's so perfectly cheesy!" I laughed along.


*Christmas Day*

Danielle and I woke up ridiculously early, as we do every Christmas morning. We made it a tradition that when we woke up, the first thing we would do is make cookies and watch Elf. This Christmas was obviously no exception.

While the cookies were baking, Danielle screamed, running into the living room, "Come here, Mel!" I walked in and watched her pull something out from under our little Christmas tree.

She handed it to me and I said, "I thought I told you not to get me anything!"

"I thought I told you I was getting you something anyway!" she mocked.

"What is it?"

"Don't ask, just open!" she said, clapping her hands together happily. I tore off the wrapping paper and started laughing. "I know how much you still fangirl over Hot Chelle Rae, so I only thought this was a fitting gift for you," she laughed along.

"I love it, Danielle," I smiled, "And since we're going along with this theme of Hot Chelle Rae, I got you something too," I giggled, running up to my room, coming back down a few seconds later.

"Oh, and who was the one complaining about something being gotten for them?" Danielle chuckled, sticking her tongue out at me.

I smiled, gladly returning the favor, "Just open it!" She ripped the wrapping paper off and almost fell onto the floor laughing.

"Holy shit, Mel! I love this!" she laughed, putting it on.

"I thought you would," I smiled.

We heard the timer on the oven go off, so I jogged into the kitchen, took the cookies out, put them all on a plate and ran into the living room as Danielle put in the movie.


About halfway through, there was a knock on our door.

"It's open!" Danielle screamed, not turning away from the TV.

"We could be murderers, you know," Ryan chuckled, stepping into the house.

"Shush!" Danielle said. I pointed at the TV, not looking away either. Ryan and Jamie sat on the couch and watched the rest of the movie with us.


When it was over, Danielle sighed, "I just love that movie so much."

"Yeah, we can tell," Ryan laughed.

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