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Cole looks up as he sees Jay walk over cradling his arm, tilting his head to show that he is confused, once Jay sits down in front of Cole, he asks "what happened?" Jay looks away as his blue eyes fill up with tears.

"One of Kai's lackeys got me in the hall" Jay mumbles as his arm is covered in bruises "I thought you and Kai were on good terms, since you date Nya?" Cole's eyes the bruise as he bites his lip "I thought so too" Jay whispers as Cole takes a look at the bruise "it should heal in two weeks" Cole says as he sits up more.

Nya appears at the lunch halls doors and scans the area for the boy in blue, once she sees him, she runs over to the two boys and she instantly wraps her arms around the thin boy. "You okay?" She asks as she sees the bruises.

"I'll be fine "Jay mumbles and he looks up at Cole "what are your plans for today?" Nya asks Cole as he leans back a bit "Rocky needs to go on a ride" Cole mumbles as he runs his hand through his black hair.

Jay bites his lip "Kai is going to be there; his girlfriend rides a horse "Jay mumbles and Cole sighs "you don't need to come" he mutters as he gets up cracking his back.

Cole walks away and he heads to the stables where he sees a red-haired girl leading a Lipizzan out of a pen, Cole sighs as he stops at Rocky's pen, a loud neigh comes out of the Rocky, who is flaring his nostrils.

Once Rocky is kitted up, Cole leads Rocky out to a fence which leads to a riding track, he stops when he sees Kai talking to the red-haired girl. Cole opens the gate ignoring them as he launches himself onto his horse's saddle.

The white horse lets out a neigh as Rocky flares his nostrils at the horse as he gallops past the horse. "isn't that the new guy?" Kai's voice calls out as Rocky stomps his hooves into the dirt as he walks "yeah it is "the girls voice calls out.

Cole looks down into Rocky's blue eyes as he makes the horse run, while not looking back, after a little while they stop at a lake, where Cole lets Rocky rest for a bit, who splashes around the shallow lake.

Cole tenses up as he sees the white horse gallop past with the girl and Kai on its back, Rocky starts to flare his nostrils as he stomps his hooves making him splash the water.

"Alright, you big dragon" Cole says as Rocky gallops over to him, softly stroking the horse's snout as Kai jumps off the horse and he walks over to the boy and horse.

"We haven't met yet" Kai says as he stops beside Cole and the red-haired girl disappears, which makes Rocky reel up. "I'm Kai" Kai says as he holds out his hand for Cole to grab, which he does "I'm Cole" Cole mumbles as he tries to calm the horse down.

Cole climbs onto his black horses back as the horse eyes Kai angrily "sorry, Rocky hates most men" Cole says as the horse flicks his head letting out a neigh, Kai smiles a small bit "it's okay."

Rocky stomps his hooves as Cole holds onto the reins tightly, making sure he is not hurting the angry horse "do you need a ride back?" Cole asks softly as Rocky neighs. "You sure?" Kai asks as he eyes the horse.

"Rocky is trained not to throw people off" Cole says as Rocky gives out a sassy chuff, Kai nods a bit as Cole holds out his hand to help Kai onto Rocky. Kai takes Cole's hand and climbs up onto the horses back.

"Get ready, Rocky's quick!" Cole says as he softly kicks the horse's side making Rocky speed off back to the school, Cole looks at Kai as he feels Kai's arms go around his stomach and tighten as Rocky speeds up quickly.

Once both are back to the school, Cole helps Kai down and he leads Rocky back to his stable, Kai follows as both talk about their interest, Kai tells Cole about Rugby and Cole smiles a bit.

"I have a question" Kai says making Cole perk up "yeah?" Kai bites his lip as Cole drags his hand through his hair "what elemental powers do you have?" Kai asks making Cole look at him. "I'm an earth elemental "Cole mumbles and Kai watches him.

"So, your name is a joke?" Kai asks as he lets out a laugh making Cole blush as he nods "probably" Cole mumbles as he looks at Kai "that would explain how you are good with horses" Kai says making Cole smile a bit "I'm a fire elemental" Kia says making Cole nod "that's cool" Cole says and Kai smirks "naw it's hot" he says as Cole bursts out laughing.

The chat until they reach Cole's dorm room "thanks for today, it was nice" Cole says giving Kai a small smile then he frowns "also tell your lackeys to stop bulling Jay" Cole mumbles as he opens his room door. "I will, see you later" Kai says as he walks away "bye" Cole mumbles and walks into his room.



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