the plan

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Kai groans as he listens to his English teacher talk on and on about controlling his powers, due to him 'accidently' burning his papers in the middle of class, in front of his friends to look cool.

Once she was finished, she let him go, which was about after an hour that his class had ended, he headed for the cafeteria where he knew his friends were as they texted him earlier.

Kai stops when he sees Cole talking to Zane, with a bunch of books in front of them, probably talking about it, Cole looks up and smiles at Kai then goes back to talking to Zane, as both, Kai and Cole want to keep their relationship on the down low because of Kai's popularity.

Kai goes and sits down at his table where he sees his friends, Morro, Skylar and Dareth (who mainly just follows them around). Morro looks up and scowls as Kai approaches "you missed the plan" Morro growls out and narrows his dull green eyes at Kai, who cocks his head "what plan?" Kai asks as he plops himself down beside Skylar.

Skylar smirks at Kai "we are planning on stealing that new horse tonight" her amber eyes stare into Kai's "what? You mean Rocky?" Kai asks confused as he thinks about Cole.

Morro just nods "that boy deserves this" Morro snarls out "What did he do?" Dareth asks Kai's question before he could ask. "He stopped us from bullying the ice master" Skylar mumbles which makes Kai look at her "he's stronger than us" Morro mumbles which makes Kai nod.

After finishing their lunch, they headed to the football pitch, where Kai could see Morro and Skylar talking about the plan more.

Cole focus on Nya going on about how unfair it was to give them a random project about an animal. She ends up looking up at Cole with her navy eyes as Cole asks, "what did he give you?" in which she replies "horses" making Cole nod "so that's why you wanted to come with me."


Nya just nods as Cole hops on Rocky and helps her on to the horse "hold on, Rocky isn't used to carrying two people" Cole mumbles, while blushing thinking about the times when he took Kai with him.

"also try to keep your balance "with that Rocky was off with the both of them on his back, Nya presses her head into Cole's back as Cole laughs and holds onto Rocky's reins.

They ride through the forest at fast speeds until Nya's phone goes off, making Cole slow down Rocky, who is huffing angrily at the command, Nya pulls out her phone and looks up at Cole "it's Kai" she says softly and Cole nods as she answers it, putting it on loudspeaker.

"Nya! Tell Cole to watch out! Morro and Skylar want to take Rocky!" Kai's voice comes through the speaker which makes Rocky neigh angrily at the sound of Kai's voice. "Kai, Rocky is with the both of us right now "Nya says softly as both her and Cole get off the angry horse.

Once Cole has Rocky calm he says "I'll be with Rocky all day anyway, I'm trying something new with him" Cole looks at Nya and smiles which Kai replies "okay, just keep an eye out" "I will, don't worry" after Nya says goodbye the both of them decide to head back leading the horse back for a little rest.

During the night, Kai sneaks through the hallways towards the barn, where he sees Cole making sure Rocky is comfortable for the night, Kai wraps his arms around the black-haired boy, making him jump. "Kai" Cole whispers as he looks at the fire welding boy, who smiles at his boyfriend.

"Sorry I'm late" Kai mumbles as he kisses Cole's neck making him squirm "its okay" Cole whispers as he lets Kai lead him back to his dorm, whispering and cuddling each other.

"Jay is at Nya's tonight; do you want to come in?" Cole asks with a small blush which Kai nods and smiles "of course, teddy bear" Kai whispers making Cole blush more as the both of them go and cuddle in Cole's bed.

They end up falling asleep in each other's arms only to be woken up by Jay bursting into the room and shouting "Rocky is gone" which makes Cole wake up instantly "what?" Cole shoots out of Kai's arms and all three of them head down to the empty horse pen which was holding Rocky.

Cole looks around then looks at Kai "where did they say they were going to take him" Cole asks angrily as Kai sighs "a small area where they usually meet up, in the forest" "Rocky will run! If Morro is there" "what? Why?" this makes Cole sigh "lets head, I'll tell you on the way."



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