The figure ~ 03

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"No, how could you be worthy?" The figure turned around "You're all killers."

We all rose from the couch abruptly as everyone stood in shock, staring at the tall metal figure that was dripping with dark black oil staining the glass floor. I recognised the suit as an iron legion bot but my thoughts were all over the place trying to figure out what was happening.

I looked over to dad and saw that he was trying to access Jarvis but nothing would come up. 'That's unlike Jarvis' I thought, he usually comes up when we ask for him.



Me and cap said at the same time, wondering why the hell this monstrosity of a robot was standing in-front of us. I looked to my right and saw Bucky moving slowly towards the robot. He looked like he was going to sneak up behind it but I knew something bad would happen,

"Bucky what the hell are you doing" I hissed at him angrily "You're going to get yourself hurt or killed." He looked me straight in the eye which I guess was supposed to be a sign to turn back around and look at the robot.

Just as I was about to ask Bruce what the hell is standing in-front of us, it spoke again

"Had to kill the other guy" it paused for a moment "He was a nice guy."

"You killed someone?" Cap questioned

"Wouldn't have been my first call but in the real world we are faced with ugly choices."

Thor looked straight towards the robot, "Who sent you?"

The robot looked down towards the floor and started playing a recording. It sounded like Dad. It was Dad, and he was hiding something from us.

The recording of my dad was him talking to someone. He said "I see a suit of armour around the world." I turned back to look at my dad and his mouth was ajar, like he couldn't believe what he just heard

The person who my dad was talking to in the recording soon became apparent when Bruce stood in shock next to Nat and said,


"In the flesh." Ultron declared

Everyone turned their heads towards Bruce and my dad as the robot now called Ultron began to speak again,

"Well not yet" he said while bending over "Not this Christmas, but I'm ready."

"What are you ready for?" I questioned Ultron trying to distract him as I realised everyone was about to attack. "A mission" he replied.

Nat questioned him again "What mission?"

"Peace in our time." He declared

Not a second later, figures burst through the wall and started attacking us. It soon came to my attention that Bucky got thrown across the room when I saw his body flying in the air.


I ran over to him as soon as I destroyed a bot that was flying towards me, i knelt down beside him to check for any injuries,

"Y/n i'm fine, just go help the team."

"You're not fine Buck, you got launched across the room by a flying robot, anything could be wrong with you." Rolling my eyes at his stubbornness. I pressed down on his ribs and a hiss left his mouth,

"Point proven" I smirked to him. "One of your ribs is broken, you're going to have to sit out for a couple of days to let it heal properly."

"Y/N, it feels as if in some way I'm constantly broken, a broken rib is nothing."

"my broken soldier aren't you." I joked with him, soon realising what word I said first. My eyes followed back towards his face where he was already looking at me, the world felt like it stopped spinning and time had stopped. His eyes flicked down towards my lips for a split second, that was until we were rudely interrupted by someone asking for help above us.

I looked up from Bucky to see how much of a mess the tower was, and that's when I realised how much of a mess it actually was. The windows were shattered, the furniture was everywhere and there was still firing going on around me. I saw Nat and Bruce hide behind the bar and Clint under the stairs, I was trying to look for my dad, Uncle Cap and Uncle Rhodey until I saw one of the iron legion bots take hold of Loki's sceptre and flew away with it.

"Fuck" I whispered to myself, noticing that the bot and sceptre were too far away for me to try and get. I heard someone smash into the wall above us, looking up we saw that it was Cap on the back of a bot looking like he was receiving a piggy back ride. That was until he fell off.

I think dad had a similar idea to Cap because he jumped onto the back of a robot as well trying to insert a screwdriver in its neck to dismantle it. I watched in amusement as my dad fell from the air onto the floor still clinging onto the robot. After everyone managed to stop the deranged bots and destroy them, Ultron spoke,

"Well that was dramatic" he began walking towards the door. "I'm sorry. I know you mean well and you just didn't make it through." He started pacing back and forth. We all headed back towards the destroyed living room and he spoke again.

"You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change." We all looked at each other then back to Ultron, "How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?" he asked while picking up a bot by its head, all our mouths gaping as he crushed the robotic head.

"There's only one path to peace" He looked back up at us before saying. "The Avengers extinction."

Ultron finished his sentence, but Thor threw his hammer at Ultron's torso and smashed him to pieces.

"Couldn't have done that sooner could you?" Bucky asked Thor as he caught his hammer again.


Third chapter of this story! hope you like it, its taken me quite a while to write this and to find the time to edit it to make it hopefully perfect for you guys! The next chapter will be out very soon although i'm struggling to write the end bit a little ( i think you will like it ;)) but apart from that its done. I will try to update more often and the Easter break is coming up soon so i will be writing a lot then. If i've made any mistakes please tell me, all will help me become a better writer. Hope you gave a a good day/night and stay safe!

~Grace x

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