The kiss ~ 04

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We all gathered in dad's science lab to discuss the event that just occurred, no one had any idea what just happened apart from my dad and Bruce.

"All our work is gone." Bruce said baffled

Nat looked up from her computer screen, "He's been through everything, files, surveillance and now he probably knows more about us then we do about each other."

Uncle Rhodey began to speak, "He's been in your files, he's in the internet, what if he decides to access something a little more exciting."

"Nuclear codes." Maria Hill suggested

"Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

With the look of confusion still plastered her face, Nat recalled what Ultron said, "He said he wanted us dead?"

"He didn't say dead," Cap paused , "He said extinct."

"He also said he killed somebody?" Clint asked

"There wasn't anyone in the building though?" Bucky said just as confused as the rest of us

My dad walked over to the opposite end of the lab, "Yes they were." He flicked his phone onto the floor and the AI system come up, but he was destroyed,

"JARVIS?!" I exclaimed, finally speaking up, although my comment was soon pushed aside as Thor walked through the doors and over to my dad, picking him up by the collar of his shirt,

"It's going around."

"Put my dad down, now!" I said defensively while balls of energy conjured in my hands

Thor threw my dad onto the floor and he walked away from him, not bothering to put up a fight.

"Loki's sceptre is now gone, meaning we have to go off and trapse after it again."

Dad started laughing,

"Dad you better get your act together or I swear to god I will let Thor do much more." Everyone stared at me in shock, i don't think I've ever spoken to my dad like that before but i couldn't really care less at the moment. I just wanted to find out what just happened and the secret being kept from us.

"This is so very terrible isn't it." Dad said while giggling like a little school girl,

"This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something-" I zoned out and started to lean on Bucky's shoulder as everyone was arguing, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in further. I came back to reality when my dad started speaking again,

"Anyone remember when I carried a neuk through a wormhole?" I looked at my dad straight in the eye,

"No, I can't actually recall that."

"How are you guys planning on defeating what's up there?" he paused , "Because that up there is the endgame."

"Together" Steve said,

"We'll lose"

"Then we'll do that together too."

After Steve said that very 'motivational' line, you could say, everyone started leaving the lab and going to their rooms to rest for the night. Mine and Bucky's room were down the corridor from each other so we walked back together, it was a silent walk before i started a conversation,

"Not exactly how I expected this night to go down" I sighed before continuing, "I kind of just wanted a party after the mission we had this morning" I joked. Bucky looked at me and smiled,

"Always up for a party aren't you y/n?"

"So are you Barnes, don't put this all on me!" I joked back

We stayed in silence for the rest of the way back, it wasn't that uncomfortable silence you would get when you meet a stranger, this silence was comfortable and i enjoyed it thoroughly, his presence made me happy, knowing that someone who i cared so deeply for was right next to me and had his arm around my waist making sure i wouldn't get cold, i was disappointed when we reached my bedroom door,

"Here you are y/n, hope you enjoyed tonight while the fun lasted." he said softly

"You're an amazing dancer Barnes, why didn't you start a career in that when you escaped HYDRA?" I laughed remembering the dance we shared earlier that evening

"I think my metal arm has something to do with me not choosing that career path."

Smiling at his words, i looked up to his piercing eyes that were this beautiful shade of blue, i've always adored his eyes. I personally thought it was one of his best features out of the many he has. His eyes looked straight back to mine but momentarily flicked down towards my lips but he quickly bought them back up to my eyes,

"Well, um, goodnight y/n, i'll see you in the morni-

To say i was an avenger, this was the scariest shit i have ever done, i cut him off mid-sentence and crashed our lips together so the gap between us was finally closed. His lips were the softest thing i have ever felt, they tasted of peach to my amazement, but some alcohol was still lingering there from the party, but it was amazing, my stomach felt like it was doing a gymnastics routine with how many butterflies i had. His hand made its way to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss a little more, but unfortunately, all good things have to end at some point. He pulled away from the kiss, with his lips red and puffy, he started to laugh,

"You have no idea how long i've waited for that moment y/n."

"Believe me, I have a feeling I know just how long you've waited."

"I'll see you in the morning, we have a big day ahead of us."

"Goodnight Buck." I said softly

"Goodnight Doll"

He turned his back and walked back to his bedroom to retire for the night and to get ready for the next day. I opened my door and walked over to my bed, not bothering to change out of my dress i laid down and the second I shut my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about the one and only James Buchanan Barnes.


So i finally fucking wrote it :) this is been in my drafts for so long because my ass could not for the life of me figure out how to write the kiss, anyway lol. Urm i hope you enjoyed it, i apologise if it's a bit rushed but they will be a cute scene coming up in a while, i haven't a clue when though. Have a good day/night and ilysm <3 

~Grace x

(have a good Easter, and for those who don't celebrate it, have a nice break off of school :) )

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