Sad Dads

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My dads where looking into the sunset over the icey ocean from the docks. I could see them through the window from inside the house. They weren't talking and Taller dad was hunched over more than usual.

They were sad because, on this same day eleven years ago something really bad happened. They don't like talking about it because they miss him so much. I never knew Tommy, short dad told be he would have basically been my uncle.

Short dad grew up with tommy so i think he misses him the most. I know i have a grandad, not a real one but he raised short dad. I think grandad might be lonely bc both his real sons died, tommy and my other uncle wilbur.

I think when my dads are less sad i'll ask if i can go meet grandad, because i know tall dad has a house very close to grandad and that hes good friends with him. I think short dad might not want be to go there thought because of some guy with pink hair.

Michael : Raised by Main CharactersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang