Moving into the Mansion

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(just a reminder i don't ship tubbo and ranboo irl)

"Its so much warmer in here than our other house", remarked short dad.

"There are fireplaces in almost all the rooms so I'm not surprised", replied tall dad.

"Kinda hot though don't you think?"


"Me, do you think I'm hot?", short dad asked

I cringed. Of course thats where he was taking that conversation. Short dad always found some way to flirt in anyway with tall dad.

"Dad stop please its weird", I muttered.

"Stop what?", short dad said.

"Never mind about this, Micheal your room is over that way", tall dad explained pointing to a hall. I nodded to him an ran in the direction he had pointed too. I bet the rooms gotta be gigantic because that hallway is already nearly as tall as our previous house.

I entered the room after struggling to push open the heavy door that was at least twice the height of tall dad. HOLY SHIT THE ROOMS HUGE!!! It was bigger than any other building in the rest of snowchester. I flopped onto the huge bed and rolled onto my back.

Hmm, I wonder when tall dads gonna take me to see Grandpa.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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