Untitled Part 1

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Masa woke up at an ungodly hour to head for the kitchen, where she planned to make something sweet for her loving, yet monster of a boyfriend. It was hard to slip out of the sheets, for Shizuo always has a firm arm wrapped around her waist at night - put there in constant fear of someone snatching her away from him as they slept. 

Masa had unfortunately awoken him from his sleep with her struggle to be free, yet luckily, he was groggy enough to buy her excuse of 'I have to pee' before he let her go and turned over to drift off again as she slipped away. She didn't even take the time to shower until she was finished with her plans. Masa was determined to make her present delicious - no matter how shitty she looked when she gave it to him. 

The needed supplies were hidden in places where Masa was sure Shizuo wouldn't happen to find them. She started the process by spreading out the ingredients on the counter where they were easily accessible. Masa planned to make small chocolate hearts and a special Nama-choco cake for him, both being  very simple treats to make. 

It wasn't long before Masa was finished with baking everything, and once she was done she carefully arranged the deserts into a simplistic design -which was the necessary amount chocolate hearts to form the same shape of a heart, with the cake placed in the middle. Once Masa was satisfied with her work, she placed a card on the side of the arranged deserts. Thus, she finally headed off to quickly shower, hoping that she'd be present when Shizuo awoke to see her work, and maybe get a start on an actual breakfast. 

Despite her hopes, after she entered the bathroom to wash, her man began to stirr. Groaning, Shizuo stretched himself out on the mattress. A few joints released and made 'popping' noises as he did so, giving him a feeling of refreshness. The feeling quickly vanished as his hand drifted over the empty space beside him. 

Shizuo's heart skipped a beat as he turned his head, not finding his girl beside him. He snapped up into a sitting position, preparing to jump out of bed to search for her - but before he did, the sound of rushing water caught his attention. 

That's when he remembered. She told him she was going to use the bathroomm to piss, so he thus assumed she decided to take a shower as well. Calmed once more, Shizuo eased off the mattress and used his knuckles to gently force his neck joints to pop as he made his way to the kitchen.

It was when he opened the fridge that he noticed something laying on the island counter. Shizuo grabbed a jar of milk before closing the door and turned his attention back to the mystery on the other side of the room. Walking up to the counter, he discovered a nice arrangement of chocolates, with an iced cake placed in the center that made his mouth slightly water. 

He then spotted the card laying next to the deserts, and picked it up to read: "Happy Valentine's day Shizu. Love, Masa" Shizuo's lips curled into an uncharacteristicly soft smile, he had honestly forgotten that it was Valentine's day. Masa had reminded him about it maybe once a few weeks ago, and he was glad she wasn't the type to bring it up constantly; which made the surprise more special for him, even if Valentine's day wasn't his thing. 

Shizuo wasn't one to take much thought into romantic situations, such as presents and the like. Yet, he made a quick reminder to himself that he had the obligation to get her something nice for White Day. His mind began to fill with thoughts of nice gifts for Masa as he searched for a fork in one of the drawers. 

Shizuo had gathered a chair to seat himself as he digged into the cake and feast upon the chocolates. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, causing all of his bones to tense for a slender moment before realizing who it was.

"I think I'm going to get a start on breakfast." Masa stated simply as she pecked the spot behind his ear. Though before she was able to unwrap herself, the man pulled on one of her arms to stay put. "Hey, thanks." He motioned over to the plate of chocolates, and a soft smile formed at her lips. 

"I'm glad you like it." She said, allowing him to turn his head and place a sweet kiss on her left cheek. "Love you." He stated gruffly as he stuck his fork into the cake for another bite. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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