chapter 5

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I was peacefully sleeping when I started to hear ppl talk whispering I fluttered my eyes a little to see me still on face time with Johnny he was in his bed no top on btw looking super hot he had a little girl by him they literally looked the same I hear them whisper to each other

L: she's rlly pretty
J: mmm ikr
L: she can be my princess model bc he rlly bad at being a princess
J: hey (whisper shouts)
L: she looks so pretty while sleeping
J: hmmm just like a princess she is
L: wow ur so cringey anyways here's ur tiara
J:thank you very much.....

Awh that's so cute they were tAlking abt me I see the little girl place a tiara on his head before leaving the room once he heard the foot close he sighed and took the tiara off

A:u know u would be a hot princess

He jumped

J: annje...oh-uh u heared everything
A: I sure did thx Ik I'm a princess *winks*
J:oh shush
A*giggles* anyways who's the cute little girl
J: cute but annoying little girl was my little sister Lauren
A: how old is she?
J: just 4
A:wow she looks just like u
J: did u just call me cute
A: I guess I did
J: why thank you LeBlanc
A: anyways I gtg-

Before I could finish my sentence my friemds barged into the room

Jay: r u talking to that not Johnny but
A: no ... Yes
Indi: omg Annie has a bf
A: I do not anyways (says super fast) anyways gtg bye Jonny

Before he could say anything i end the call I went to my bathroom to get ready as my friend went through my phone laughing at our texts (me and John's)

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