Chapter 13

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Annie's Pov
I was just in johns room watching a movie while his head is rested on my lap I see him get up and walked to the bathroom as I got a dm

Notifications: instergran dm from haydensummerall

I was confused I went onto instergran

Hayden hey there cutie

Annie: tf who dis

Hayden one of johns friends

Annie: cool

Hayden: anyways I was wondering if u wanted to hang some time

Annie sure maybe some other time ig

Hayden great

I see Johnny come out of the bathroom and back over to me he lays down onto my stomach as I play with his hair

John: what's wrong???
Annie: nothing why
John: I can sense when ur worried and ur all tensed what happened

I hate how he can read me like an opened book I sighted

Annie: this guy named Hayden dm me-
John: don't dm back!
Annie: to late I already did
John: what did he say
Annie: he wanted to hang out-
John: oh- oh ... oh ok

Johns POV
Idk but I felt jealous... and angry and sad why dose she want to go and hang out with Hayden

Annie: but I don't know if I want to

That made me smile abit I get off of her stomach and lay beside her pulling her into my chest I soon feel her relax into my touch and I start to play with her hair

*4 hours later*.

I woke up to some ppl giggling and I felt some thing on my lips I open my eyes to see Annie holding a bright red lip stick he starts laughing

Annie: he-hey John

She says trying to hold in her laugh my eyes twitch's a little knowing what she did I look over to my side to see Lauren giggling in a cute way I rub my lips a bit and see my hand red


I say as I jump out of bed and as Annie runs downstairs and runs behind my mum

Mer: u alright dear- oh my John what happened to ur face
John: she happened

I say as I pointed at Annie who was laughing ehr ass off my mum starts laughing with her

Mer: great job Annie anyways I don't wanna be in the middle of all this

My mum says running out of the room I smirk as I notice it was just me and Annie I walk towards her and she starts walking backwards her back soon against the wall I place both of my around on the wall blocking her from leaving

John: I got u now I start kissing all over her face rubbing my lips against her cheek getting all the red lipstick off she was giggling I pull away from her cheek I just notice how awfully close we were she looking to my eyes as I melted into her shinning brown eyes I don't know but all I just wanted to do was kiss her we both lean in as we hear baby Lauren say

Lauren: ew yucky

We both jump away from each other laughing at Lauren

WRONG SNAP •johannie•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora