Dating Jade would include

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•cuddling....a lot of cuddling
•after a fight you both would cry and apologize a million times
•her talking about you when you're not around all the time
•her posting a lot of pictures of you, with cheesy captions about how much she loved you
•sweet, innocent kisses turning into steamy, passionate make outs
•the girls thinking of you as their little sister
•the girls absolutely loving your relationship
•her being away a lot
•lots of Disney movies, and with lots I mean lots
•her doing your makeup and hair
•binge watching every show on Netflix and Disney+
•her making you feel better when your crying
•her management not approving of your relationship at first, but you guys didn't care, no they kinda like you
•a lot of sex
•her being kinda kinky, like; dirty talk, choking, strap-ons, ect
•her being a top in bed most of the time
•^her being amazing in bed
•^you being amazing as well, of course
•her getting jealous easily
•her being possessive
•you being at every award show with her
•moving in with her very quickly
•cuddling every night
•almost never fighting, but if you do you're both quick to make up
•basically dating Jade is a dream

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