Agin with truth of dare

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They were all in shooked that five had a girlfriend all:"how,why,when?!" Then you and five start explaining what happened on the mission well missing out the dirty stuff 😏 then then klaus suggested to play truth or dare you guys agree but the others left so there was only Allison,klaus,Diego,five and you so you start playing
Klaus:"I'll go first Allison truth or dare?"
Klaus:"do you use you powers?"
Allison:"yes but not so much!"
Allison:"okay uhhh Diego truth or dare?"
Allison:"do you have a crush?"
Diego:"yes Klaus truth or dare?"
Diego:"I dare you to be sober for a week"
Klaus:"I- okay" cri "y/n truth or dare?"
Klaus:"sit on fives lap for the rest of the game no matter what!"
y/n:"ye okay!"
You get up and go to five sitting on his lap giggling as he blushes and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you in more hugging you
y/n:"okay hmm Diego truth or dare?"
y/n:"are you scared of doing a dare?"
Diego:"no I just think it's boring to do dare at first!"
Diego: "five truth or dare?"
Diego:"let go of y/n"
Diego:"Welp I tried"
Five:"Allison truth or dare?"
Five:"do you like Luther?"
Allison:"okay Diego truth or dare?"
Allison:"who do you like?"
Diego:"I'm not saying!"
Klaus:"come on you have to tell us!"
Allison:"I heard a rumour you told us who your crush is!"
Diego:"my crush is y/n"
They all stare at him
you start to feel really anxious and hold onto five as five gives Diego the death stare then five teleports you both to his room as he pins you to the bed "your mine!" He says and you respond with "yes I'm yours!" He then starts kissing and biting your neck mumbling "your only mine right?!" "Yes!" You moan

Five x reader (inspired) most bits are 13+Where stories live. Discover now