Part 1

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It was a gloomy, miserable Halloween night. Sarah and her friends were outside doing teenage things, running about the streets and having fun. It was about twenty to twelve and she was still having fun, there was no sense of tiredness in her. Sarah's parents had let her stay out late due to her sixteenth birthday only passing a few weeks ago. Her friends were months older than her, two born in February, two born in April and one born in July. she was the youngest in her friend group by some distance. There were five of them, Scarlett, Wendy, Elizabeth, Olivia and Katie, they all had one thing in common and that was exploring. When growing up, they would always enjoy playing around the village, going into woods, going up streets they'd never been before. They were pretty rebellious when they were younger. When Sara was twelve, she had built a fear over being alone. One evening on a Saturday night, Her parents had to go for a quick run to the shop. Meaning she was alone. Her parents were gone for about an hour? Sara had a feeling of anxiety, all she could hear was the sound of the old radiator crackling from time to time. The thought of feeling alone now was just horrifying.

As they were walking through the alleyway, they came across an abandoned field with no sign of life. Sarah didn't like the dark, it spooked her out. She began to feel a sense of paranoia in the pit of her stomach, looking into the empty horizon. Scarlett and Wendy had decided to go in first, since nobody else was going to go in. The rest of them followed Scarlett and Wendy inside, shutting the almost-broken fence. Sarah walked through the dead, crumbled grass, leaves crunching underneath their feet.

The elders of the group, Katie and Olivia, weren't scared of anything. They were the ones who would always tease the others with their fears. Katie and Olivia were almost a year older than Sarah, they were almost seventeen, that was seventeen in January! They walked further, Scarlett pointed far in the distance "Lets go there!" she exclaimed with a bright smile on her face. They ran through the isolated field, mud filling their shoes as they ran across the dried up pond, only moist mud was left.

As the group approached the old house, they realized that not only was the wood old, nobody lived there! Wendy, Katie, Scarlett, Elizabeth and Katie began to whisper to themselves, Sarah looking at them with confusion. They were planning to send Sara in, since they knew she was the most fearful one in the group. Katie turned to face young Sarah with a smirk on her face, jokingly giving her a small push on the shoulder "Go on, Go in the house." she spoke in a harsh tone, the rest of them giggling to themselves, Sarah's face filled with fear, color draining from her face. Sarah gulped the fear down her throat, letting off a small nod. She turned around, slowly walking over to the doors.

The house was quite big, it was as if it was from the middle of the eighteen hundreds. The wood was filled with dust and mold, spiders crawling in and out the cracks of the wood. Most of the windows were either smashed or covered in dust. Windows were meant to be see-through right? Well, these windows were far from that. All you could see through it was a cloud of dirt, there was no sign of animal life near this house. It was strange, wouldn't you think animals would come back now? This house was almost one hundred years old, surely they'd come back, right? The roof arched as it was that old, most of it had collapsed during the years but somehow some of it was still standing. The door was open and dead rats and mice lay beneath the rug of the entrance, This house was definitely abandoned, surely?

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