Chapter one☆

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(Quick thing Nagisa didn't die yet in this au this is after they attempted to turn the town into they're own children city)

Nagisa's pov

I stared down the hill down at the town that was being rebuilt from when we attempted to turn it into a childs town. I hugged my knees as the cool breeze brushed against my back. I looked over my shoulder as I heard running behind me, it was Masaru and Jataro. "Kotoko wants us to meet up at the wish tree!" Masaru basically shouted against the wind. I stood up and walked toward him and and Jataro. "Alright lets go then." I said with a sigh. I don't speak to Kotoko alot on occasion when we have group meetings I speak to her when I wasn't around the others, I was up on the hill. It had been a month since the four of us Me, Jataro, Masaru, and Kotoko, had been released from the mental hospital. Monaca still had another 2 months before she was supposed to be released. I was kind of happy we didn't have to deal with Monacas abuse for a couple more months, we can be who we want to be when Kotoko is in charge. I sort of smiled at the ground as we walked. Jataro skipped down the hill and almost fell when he got to the bottom of the hill but he caught himself luckily. "Hello Kotoko!" Masaru smiled "hello Masaru!" Kotoko replied happily. "What did you need me for?" I spoke somewhat quietly but loud enough to be heard. "Oh the adoption center told me we've been adopted!" Kotoko jumped up and down after saying this happily. Kotoko handed us each a slip of carefully folded paper. "Our new parents names are on these folded pieces of paper." Kotoko spoke now with somewhat realization. "I-I'm scared-" Jataro had folded his sleeves up so he could hold the piece of paper. "Don't be afraid Jataro, they won't hurt you I promise." I attempted to reassure him. "If you say so-..." Jataros voice slowly dropped at the end of his sentence but I understood.
Masaru: "we open the paper on three?"
Kotoko nodded. "On three."
Masaru started counting then when we got to three we opened the papers. "Oh cool! I have an astronaut as a parent!" Masaru stated happily.
My paper had these words on them:

  Dear Nagisa Shingetsu,
We are pleased to say we have found you parents who want to adopt you! I know this will be odd moving in with people you don't know but we will give you time to get to know the people your moving with. Your foster parents will be: Rantaro Amami, and Korekiyo Shinguji (a comfort ship of mine)
Signed, ******* **********

I was kind of shocked knowing people wanted to adopt us after what we did to the city. Jataro tapped my shoulder to get me out of what ever form of trance I was in. "Oh! sorry, I was spacing out." I quickly said. "Its alright Nagisa!" Jataro smiled under his mask.

Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also I think I should clear this up the "they won't hurt you I promise" that isn't the promise I'm talking about in the title.
Kotokos adopted parents - Kirumi & Tsumugi
Masarus adopted parents - Kaito & Maki
Nagisas adopted parents - Korekiyo and Rantaro
Jataros adopted parents - Fuyuhiko and Peko

Words: 574

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