Part one

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As Kierstin opened her Mac book a notification from her email broadcasted on her screen. As she clicked the tab open her eyes widened with excitement. She let out a loud scream, "THEY CASTED ME!!" Her mom had run up the stairs and slam opened the door, a worried look had seeped into her face as she looked at her daughter. Kierstin bit her lip and a smile had crawled into her mouth. "I get to star in Cobra Kai mom!" Kierstin shrieked as she held her dog, Sam close. Her mom's worried look turned into an excited smile and her arms opened to a hug for her daughter. She was finally going to do her dream job, acting. She was just 16 but she felt as though she had just grown up that very second.

                                                                            Part 1 - On Set!

Kierstin Bumgarner walked onto the set, holding the lead of her horse, Hope. Hope had perked her ears and looked around at all the horses who had stuck their heads out the stall doors. Palm trees surrounded the stables and arenas.

There was a loud voice and when she looked over it was the director, Kim Fields, was walking toward us in a bright blue outfit. "You must be Kierstin, and the horse that is beside you is Hope, nice to meet you." She said with a smile spreading across her face. After a while of listening to her talk about the rules and what not, a tall red haired boy and Xolo Maridueña emerged from the trailers and came behind Kim, mocking her. "Jacob, if you don't quit mocking me in the next five seconds I will beat you with my shoe." The red haired boy came from behind her and looked deep at Kierstin. "Kierstin, this is Jacob Bertrand, the brat that gets on my nerves and who plays 'Hawk' in Cobra Kai. Jacob- and oh hello Xolo." She said once Xolo came beside Jacob, placing his arm around Jacob's shoulder. "You must be Kierstin, heard alot about ya from Kim, here." Xolo had said, with a bright smile. Kim crossed her arms and glared at Jacob, who was biting his fingernails. "Jacob and Xolo, show Kierstin to her trailer and Jacob will stay with her to keep her company." Kim said, writing something down into her notepad. Jacob looked over at her and smiled softly. "Jess here will take your horse to her stall and tack her up and exercise her." Kim said, while a girl grabbed the lead and pulled Hope over to the stables. Jacob smiled and waved Kierstin to walk by his side. "So, where you from?" Jacob asked, looking deep into Kierstin's eyes, "North Carolina." She had said, looking back into his.

"Well this is your trailer." He said, pointing to a big trailer like thing. Kierstin walked inside where two girls had stood, one holding a hair brush and one on the phone with someone. "Girls, meet Kierstin." Jacob chimed. The girl hung up and came over to Kierstin with her arms open to give her a hug. Kierstin hugged her as well and looked over at the other girl. "My name is Bianca and that is Callie." The girl with the hairbrush said. "Jacob. What are you still doing here?" Callie had asked, sitting Kierstin down and looking into the mirror at Kierstin's face. "Kim told me to stay in here and keep her company." Bianca fluffed Kierstin's naturally blonde hair and gave a smile to the mirror. "I love your hair, is it natural?" She had asked, looking down at Kierstin who was looking back. "Yea, but it used to be lighter." She chimed as she looked down and looked in the direction of Jacob, who was on his phone, watching TikTok. As they combed through her hair she thought about how lucky she was to land a role this big on a really popular TV show. Once Bianca and Callie got done with hair and makeup, Kierstin looked like another girl. Jacob had seen this and smiled deep into the mirror. Kierstin caught his gaze and smiled back. "Okay, Jacob, out. She needs to get dressed." Callie had said, pushing Jacob out the door of the trailer.

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