Strange places

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I reached for the clouded bottles tied to the inside of my long leather-lined coat and ripped the top off it off with my bare teeth. Giving it a good shake before the fire spread from the opening. I spun my heavy body around and lit the people around me on fire. They drop to the decks, panic as the fire won't leave their bodies. Smashing the wheel to steer the ship rendering them sitting ducks.

I couldn't help but laugh.. The fire was spreading on the ship, everyone was in a panic.. But it wasn't before I felt something hit my back.

It took me a minute to register the pain but I have been stabbed. Turning to see it was just a kid aboard this ship that was daring enough to sink a blade next to my spine.

I swung my arm around knocking the kid into the water. But he grabbed me by the belt causing me to fall as well into the water below..

When I woke up I wasn't on my ship.. The sound of waves washing to the shore as water tickled my feet..I realized I was marooned. Stuck on a shitty island alone.. I sat up groaning a bit.. I was shirtless and a bandage made of seaweed was wrapped around my body covering my stab wound. It didn't look normal.. Usually putting salt on a wound would hurt.. Yet this felt warm. Like a real bandage. I didn't understand such an odd thing. Or the fact my clothes were in the sun-dried in the sand.

I sat up looking around. "Who the fuck is here?!" I yell. Hearing a soft murmuring sound from the water. When I looked I saw nothing but a splash of water..

It made me curious. So I leaned closer to the water and dipped a hand inside. The water was warm. Tingling as the salt stung my small wounds covering my hand. But when I felt something touch my finger and pulled it right back. Huffing as I stared into the deep blue before me. It felt like forever as I just stared at it. Waiting for something to happen. A person who saved me comes out of the water and greets me with open arms. But alas, Nothing but the sound of the waves..

Then it hit me, fuck I was hungry. Just how long have I been out? I sat up, removing the sand from my knee-high boots and grabbing my cutlass. Entering the jungle on the island before me. That feeling of being watched left me as I kept walking. Making a path by cutting down ferns and plants in my way.

My stomach growled. Aching with emptiness. I felt terrible.. But I saw it. Colourful fruit hung from a tree up high, it was like nothing I've seen before. It made me question where I was.. This certainly wasn't where I was before I was thrown off the ship. It was too hot here, the waters to crystal blue. I didn't have a clue where I am..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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