The wand

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I looked around as I walked in. "Hello?" I said. There was nobody in sight. I walked over to some tables holding a few wands. I was admiring them when I heard a voice "Ah, Ms.(Y/L/N) I've been expecting you." I turned around fast and there standing at the desk, was Mr.Ollivander. "Oh, Hello my apologies I was just-" I was saying before getting interrupted. "There nice aren't they? Well sadly none of those are for you." He said as he spun around. I walked up to the desk to see him as he picked a few boxes and looked at me in curiosity and I smiled. He walked back and gave me a wand to try out. "Hazelnut, 9 1/2 inches, unicorn hair core." He said. I took and swished it lightly. A bunch of papers flung up in a circle. "Oh no, not it" he said and took the wand from me. He handed me another one. "Holly wood, 8 3/4 inches, Dragon heart core." He said and handed me the wand. Again I gave it a swish. The ink pot sitting on Mr.Ollivanders desk blew up. "Oh no no no, Definite not" he said a quickly took the wand back. "Hmmm I wonder" he said and walked to the back again. As he walked back, Nevaeh came walking into the store. "Hey sis, what's taking so long?" She said and I just shrugged my shoulders. Mr.Ollivander came back with two wand boxes. "Just in time Ms.Nevaeh" he said handing my sister a box and handing me the other. We looked at each other and then looked at him. "Go on, what are you waiting for, Give it a swish." He said to the both of us. My sister and I swished the wands and a light appeared and the wind picked up. It stopped after a few seconds and we looked at Mr.Ollivander. He looked surprised and said to us "I- That hasn't- Nobody has had that happen before with those wands. Expect for two others" We looked at him confused and he began to explain. "Those wands you are holding, are the twin wands. 9 3/4 inches Phoenix core, and....Yew wood." We look back at the wands and noticed they looked exactly the same but the colors are different. We payed after talking to Mr.Ollivander for a little bit. As we walked out Nevaeh Looked at me and said  "I've read about the twin  wands before... They are really rare and only a few of them exist, only two pairs to be exact. Legends say that the wands connect to the others the exist. The twin wands are also known as 'The soulmate connection'. That's why it can be rare i suppose since there were only two pair that were created." She said examining her wand. "What is a soulmate tho? " Nevaeh asked  I looked down at my wand. "I-I Don't know" I said thinking. "The soulmates connection ey."I thought.  Nevaeh nudged me in the arm breaking me from my thoughts. "Come on, we still got some more stuff to get before heading to the train station." She said with a huge smile on her face. After getting our books at pets we headed towards the train station. Nevaeh was playing with her cat and i was admiring my brown feathered owl. "He's a beauty, what ya gonna name 'em" she said pointing to my owl. "Oh I'm going for the name Felipe (Fa-leap)" I said. "Ooooooh that's a unique name! I named this princess over here Mabel" She said as she poked her cat gentle. We arrived at the train station and walked our way to the platform 9 3/4. We looked at the wall we were suppose run threw. "I don't wanna run into the wall only to find me bouncing backwards" Said Nevaeh. I took her hand and squeezed it as reassurance that everything's gonna be okay. "I'll go first" i said and smiled. "Okay.." she said. I let go of her sweaty palm and backed up. I ran fully charged into the wall and went threw it. I gasped as i looked at the train. My sister shortly followed after me and gasped as well. "Race ya" she said as she began to take off. "Oh ho ho ho your on sista" i said as I ran after her. As I was almost right on her tail she ran into to someone and I ran into her cart. I flew a little bit forward and the handle of my cart jammed into my stomach. "Ow" i said and looked up at my sister. Some boy was standing there looking at her while offering his hand. We might be the same age, Me and Nevaeh but sometimes I feel a bit older. I ran around the accident that happened and bent down next to my sister wrapping my arms around her. I glared at the boy hoping he'd walk away. All of a sudden another boy came walking from behind us an said "My My My, what happened here?" I turned around still holding my sister to only see another of the same boy. I looked back and forth from the two boys. "Twins" i say to myself. The boy behind me offered to help us both up but I still sat there holding my sister. I looked at her and she looked at me. I got up and helped her up. The boys looked at us confused. The boy looked at the other one and said "Well Georgie, We might have some competition this year." He smiled and looked back at us. The boy who apparently is named Georgie look at us as well. They walked off. I looked to my sister and held her face "Are you okay? Are you hurt. Oh my god" I said pulling her into a warm hug. She chuckled and said "I'm fine Y/N" We pulled apart and I looked at her. As my eyes travelled down i saw blood at her stomach area. "OH MY GOD!" i screamed and covered my mouth. She looked at me and said "Y/N it's not me. Look at your shirt" And pointed to my shirt. I looked down and all of a sudden a big puddle of blood was there. I looked at my cart and noticed a little metal piece of it was covered in a bit if blood. I got light-headed and looked at my sister. All of a sudden everything went dark...

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