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"Cmon buddy your gonna be late for the bus" I say to my five year old brother while grabbing his book bag.

"But Lay I didn't get to finish my waffles." he mumbled with his mouth full.

"It's alright you'll eat at school" I say waiting for him to finish putting on his coat so that I can hand him his bag.

As I walked out the house i noticed how cold it was realizing that I only had sweatpants on with a tank top.

"Lay your not cold?" my brother asks. "It's alright bub come on" I say grabbing his hand walking fast trying not to miss the buss.

"Dion we thought you weren't coming today" one of his friends said as we were approaching the bus stop.

I smiled seeing how excited they were to see him, kids are so pure. "Here I am" Dion says running over to them.

After a few seconds I heard the bus coming. "Bye Dion be good at school today. remember what mommy said would happen if you got another red card." I shout. "I know Lay" he says shaking his head getting on the bus.

I walk back home shivering. I arrive to my house and went straight into my bed under my covers. My school didn't start until 9:30 so I had a hour to sleep.

My alarm clock went off and it felt like I didn't even close my eyes for five minutes. I moan before turning it off. I get up and brushed my teeth before taking a shower. Then brushing out my hair.

I go down stairs to see my mom making coffee.

"Mama do I really have to go to school today." I said pouting.

"You feel sick or something?" she asked. "No, just don't want to go." I said going to the fridge. "Layla leave me alone" she said rolling her eyes.

"Anyways your not gonna believe it" she told me. "What" I replied taking a bite of my apple. "This morning my patient woke up."She said smiling.

"The one who was in the accident?" I asked. She nodded her head.

A women had been in a car accident with her husband and ended up in a coma for months that nobody thought she would wake out of. My mom never lost hope and kept pushing for her husband not to take her off of life support. If it was any other doctor she would've been taken off weeks ago.

Since my moms a doctor and I also plan to be in the medical field we usually talk about the people she see's. "Im happy for them" I say smiling.

My phone dings.
*im outiside

"Kalen's outside I gotta go."I say getting up from the table. "Tell Kalen to tell his mom to answer her damn phone" she said putting her hand on her hip. "Aigh love you mom" I said walking out the house.

"Wassup" he says as I enter the car. "It is so cold" I say before putting up the heat up in his car. "I see you be tryna match me so bad" he says because we both had on black low Ugg's. "bye, if anything it's the other way around" I say putting on my seatbelt.

Kalen is like a brother figure to me since I known him since I was born. Our moms met at the hospital while carrying us.

We arrived to the school and just sat in the car since we had 20 more minutes and it was freezing outside.

"I did everything you told me to. I apologized for my mistakes, I didn't make them again, make her feel like she's my top priority, spend on her, be loyal, and be honest." Kalen told me

"if that's not working then y'all might just not be for each other, but at the same time relationships are gonna have complications at some point so just be patient." I said.

I could be a therapist with all this advice I be giving.

"Thanks Lay" he said smacking the back of my head and getting out the car before I could get a chance to get him back. "Bitch?" I said getting out to catch up to him.

As we arrived in the school he went with his people and I went with mine. "Hey girl" Shay said to me. Shay was a pretty dark skin girl and I've knew her since freshman year to now, senior year.

I went through my class periods and so came lunch. I usually sat with these group of females and boys. "They be serving the same shit every single day" Shay said. "Really" I said agreeing.
I usually starved myself until I got home the food was horrible.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see my ex. Cameron. "Cmere" he said waving me to follow him. I looked over at the people at my table seeing them shaking their heads. I got up and followed him anyways.

He took me out of the cafeteria to the stairs that were outside.

"What" I asked.

"I miss you" he said looking down at me licking his lips. I looked up at him before looking back down. It hurts that I still love him after what he put me through.

"Just give me a chance aigh? I'll never do that dumb ass shit again. I need you and you need me." He said.

"We can't do this we're toxic for each other. every time we get back together shit happens and you promise your gonna change but you make the same mistakes over and over again. I'm tired. Aren't you?" I asked.

"But I love you" he said lowly.

"I love you to" I said looking at him. Everything in my body wanted me to take him back. I wanted to feel his touch but then I felt angry because I wasn't the only one who felt it.

"But you have to move on" I said before leaving him. Low key breaking my heart in the process as well. There was no going back. It was done.

I finished my last period of the day and texted Kalen to meet me at the front of the school.

"Cmon" Kalen said as soon as I spotted him. We got into his car and he takes me home

"See you later."

"Lay wait you trying to go to a party tonight?" He says.

"Can't have to study for a calculus test" I told him

"Take a break from the books and shit it's Friday" he told me.

I nodded my head. " I'll think about it."
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