Arena (EDITED)

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Clove's POV:

I go to sleep, dreading the morning, when I would be thrown in to certain death.

I wake up the next morning, by Cato pulling me out of bed by my hair.

'Get up.' He says shortly, before storming out, ignoring my squeal as my baby bump hits the carpeted floor.

There is no breakfast set up in the dining room, and I'm secretly pleased I missed it. If I ate anything, it would all come back up.

I am escorted onto the hovercraft, where me and Cato sit on either side of Katniss, who flinches as I sit with her.

'Excited?' I ask her mockingly, trying to keep up my thick skin, whil shaking in my boots. She ignores me, and turns to and Cato, who is telling her to run and meet him at the cornucopia when the gong rings.

The ride lasts about an hour, before we get off the hovercraft, and they insert my tracker, roughy pumping the needle into my arm, reminding me of the tracker hackers that would surely be in the arena.

I am directed into a room, where Cinna waits for me with a smile. He offers me some water, and I gulp it down, trying to ignore the pain in my tummy, and then we just stand, walked in each ores arms, waiting for the voice telling me to go when it comes, he squeezes me again, and then pulls away.

'I'll see you when you get out' he whispers, kisses my forehead, and hands me the jacket, which I pull on.

'Same clothes and arena as last time.' He clarifies, as I glance down at the familiar jacket. I feel the lump in my throat grow.

He gently pushes me into the tube., and immediately the glass slides down.

Good luck' he shouts, just as the glass tube rises, and Cinna fades from my view.

The next minute, I find myself in bright sunlight.

The Cornucopia .

I spot Cato five plates away, trying to catch my attention. He nods at the Cornucopia, and I nod back, pointing at the set of knives I could just see. They were mine.


The gong rang.

At the sound, I sprint to the horn, ignoring everyone around me, and grab the knives just as the girl from District 6 reaches them. I launch one at her, and it hits her in the neck, killing her instantly. The familiar adrenaline from killing comes rushing back. I sprint round to the back of the horn, killing the boy from 5 and the girl from 9 on the way, until I find the careers gathered at the horn.

It's fairly quiet now, most of the others either somewhere in the forest, or dead, leaving just Cato, me, Glimmer, Marvel, Katniss, and Peeta, who are staring at my bloody knives in terror.

I sigh, and spin them round in my fingers to scare them, enjoying wide, terrified eyes.

'Stop it Clove.' Cato snaps, grabbing it from my hands. I glance around for support, but everyone, even Marvel, keep their heads down.

'I'm going hunting.' I hiss back, grabbing my knife from his hands, and start heading the opposite direction. I had to get our. To get away from the obvious hatred directed my way from all angles. But just as I start actually making it to the forest, the cannons go off, cutting me short.

The Capitol seal, and booming anthem flash in the sky, and then the faces of the dead appear.

The girl from 3 both from four, the boy from 5, both from six, both from 9, and the boy from 10. Just 9.

I stand akwardly as our pack falls into silence in respect, not feeling like hunting anymore. I just felt sick to the stomach. I had killed three of those people.

Just as I decide to sit back down, Peeta comes up behind me.

'I don't hate you you know. You didn't  have a choice to kill me or not. You were forced to. Katniss doesn't hate you either.'  I look at him, and tears prickle in my eyes.

'No, sshe's just terrifiedd of me.' i whisper. Peeta laughs.' I killed people here as well. Katniss killed all the careers apart from you two. How arkward for her?' he chuckles. From that point onwards, i don't want to kill Peeta. He really is trying to be nice to me.

I walk back over to Marvel, and he puts his arm round my shoulder, and kisses me lightly on the lips. He looks into my eyes, and strokes my hair. His eyes flicker over to Cato, who quickly averts his eyes, and grabs Glimmer's hand.

Marvel's brow furrows, and I see Glimmer glance over to us.

'You are so totally in love with Glimmer aren't you?' I whisper, so the Capirtol won't hear, and realise our star crossed lovers appearance is really just an act.

He nods sheepishly.

'Im sorry Clove, but  I can't do this deal anymore. I need to tell her how I feel.' Marvel says slowly, avoiding eye contact.

'I agree, really, I get that you want to be honest. But she clearly likes Cato, or is at least pretending to... Maybe, if we acted as a couple, we would make both our interests jealous, and get us sponsors! We win both ways!' I reason, putting my hand on his forearm.

He tilts his head onto his shoulder, considering the proposition, and then nods cautiously.

Then grins at me.

'We need to get them jealous.' He confirms, grabbing my hand.

And then Rue comes running into the clearing.

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