Part 1

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Part 1

     I opened my eyes to remember my wish of not waking up this morning, I regretted the thoughts knowing Prim needed me but I'd lost all hope, they only thing I could do now was hope someone would care for her when I'm gone. I sit up and mentally prepare for the day, I decided I would try to sell some baby clothes today. I sat up and went into the kitchen, I pulled out the last few pieces of granola and grain and put it in a bowl for Prim. Then I went into my mother's room and watched her lie there lifeless for a minute before felt a tear fall down my face, I wiped it quickly and went to her closet to pull out the baby clothes. I pulled Prim out of bed and fed her the last of the food, hoping I'd be able to feed her again soon.
      "I'll be back real soon okay?" She nodded and turned away. "Wait a second, come here." She walked towards me and I turned her around. "Don't forget to tuck in your tail little duck." I told her tucking in the back of her blouse that had stuck out like a duck's tail.
      She giggled her innocent giggle "Thank you Katniss" She told me. I nodded and headed out the door. It began raining and before I knew it, it was pouring. I held my stomach, not eating for five days was finally catching up with me. I was begging people to buy the clothes, but some of them were just as poor as I am. I gave up with selling the clothes, I was about to toss the plaid red dress into the trashcan of the bakery, when I realized someone could have thrown away their leftover bread, so I dug through the garbage.            

     My stomach gurgled when I found nothing, then suddenly a angry woman with dark blonde hair and cold blue eyes came out of the bakery screaming at me, I was hardly aware of what was happening but I noticed a blonde boy standing behind the woman, he looked around my age. The woman screamed at me, I stumbled away from her towards a tree, or well it looked like three trees in the rain. I stumbled into the tree and fell onto the roots.
       After a few minutes or maybe more, I had no idea what time it was I was just waiting for death to welcome me, I heard a young boy scream. Suddenly the same young boy was pushed out of the bakery and he had two burnt loves of bread in his hands.
       "Feed it to the pigs! You wasteful child!" I heard the witch scream from the bakery, the boy stared at me while ripping off the burnt pieces of bread. After ripping off most the burnt parts from both breads, we were still yet to break eye contact, that was until he turned around and looked around, almost as if to make sure no one could see and no one was coming. Once he was done he turned to me again and tossed the bread to me, he tossed the first but then ran towards me with the second.
     "Here, take this home to your sister. I'm sorry I can't help more but do me a favor and stay alive." He told me then ran off quickly back into the bakery. I vaguely noticed how his cheek was swelled red. I stared at the bakery door for a while before I quickly ran back home, I showed Prim the bread and she screamed. I smiled thinking of how her hair and blue eyes reminded me of that boy.
     The next day at school I planned on thanking the boy, but after school when I knew was my last chance he was surrounded by friends, he clearly wanted to be elsewhere, when I caught his eye he looked away quickly, down at the floor I looked to the floor and I saw a dandelion, I picked it and I finally knew how I would survive.
     It was 2 years later when I received the first letter.

     My beloved MockingJay,

     You do not know me. But I know you, I know you always braid your hair in a brain down your back, I know you love Dandelions and sing like a MockingJay. I'd one day hope to know you better than any other person that pays attention, I'd wish I could grow the courage to speak to you and love you in person. Until then, I will send you my letters to show you I care. I may seem like a creep and in all honesty that is what I am, but I hope in my letters you can grow to love me. You don't have to reply I'll know if you receive my letters. Know this, I'll always care for you Katniss.
     Your one and only, Dandelion

My beloved MockingJayWhere stories live. Discover now