Part 3

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Part 3
    It was 7 years later and Peeta told me to meet him at the meadow. He most likely had something up his sleeve, he usually brought me on dates, never told me where to meet him. I pulled on a sunset orange off the shoulder jumpsuit Peeta loves and pulled my hair into a low-wide bun and put a gold clip in it. I headed out to the meadow, grateful my hunting boot and father's hunting jacket matched with my outfit. Once I arrived I saw that Peeta had a lovely picnic set up, and he had set up little lights, they flickered and moved I could only assume he'd caught fireflies.
    "Peeta," I said in awe. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he kissed my neck, I giggled slightly, what this boy does to me is beyond my beliefs. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, "What's this all about?" I asked him and he smirked his cute little smirk.
    "You'll see." He said, leading me over to the picnic. We enjoyed a meal full of laughter and joy, Peeta had made this night perfect I couldn't imagine loving anyone else. I laid my head in his lap, he was playing with my hair and I was making a flower crown, I was being extra careful using dandelions. All was peaceful and romantic. Once I finished I sat up. I placed the crown on his head and he smiled. Suddenly he pulled out a little music player, it was his favorite a cassette player, Peeta loved cassettes and he collected them, he played one of his favorite songs, Can't help falling in love, it was originally by a man named Elvis Presley but Peeta only listened to the version sang by Tyler Joseph. "May I have this dance?" Peeta asked and I nodded standing.
    "As a river flows" Peeta sang twirling me.  
"Surely to the sea" I continued smiling at him.
   "Darling so it goes" Peeta sang.
   "Some things are meant to be," I sang.
   "Take my hand," he sang pulling me closer to him.
   "Take my whole life too" I sang to him putting my forehead on his.
    "For I can't help falling in love with you" We sang together. As the song continued, Peeta stopped us and he got down on one knee, holding my left hand as my right covered my open mouth as I realized what was happening.
    "Katniss Everdeen, my beloved MockingJay, I hold your hand today, in a ever-loving request for permission to take your hand in marriage, will you make me the truly happiest man in the world and do the honor of marrying me?" He said. In utter shock my mouth closed in a smile and I nodded finally finding my voice I said,
    "Yes! Always yes!" I pulled him to stand and I engulfed him in a hug. We were laughing and crying and I finally looked at the ring on my finger it was absolutely beautiful, it was like winding branches were hugging my finger and at the top it hugged a beautiful black pearl.
    The wedding was 4 months later. I wore a light grey dress with white lace accents on the abdomen and chest, it was a deep v-neck and the accents were sprinkled over to soft tulle skirt. It was such a beautiful dress, Madge said it brought out my eyes, and I agreed with her. The dress made me look and feel radiant and I was positive Peeta would love it. Madge was teasing at my hair and Delly was doing my makeup when my mother and dear family friend Aunt Effie came in.
    "Oh Katniss, your such a beautiful bride. Prim will be ecstatic, she was heartbroken to miss dress shopping!" My mother told me, Prim was 19 now, I was 24. I smiled at her and sighed.
    "Okay your done!" Madge and Delly said together. I looked in the mirror and I was shocked with what I saw. The beautiful strong woman in the mirror couldn't be me, her stormy grey eyes shone with light her silky dark hair was in elegant sophisticated waves with a complex braided crown. When I blinked and moved my left hand to my mouth and the reflection copied it hit me, that radiant woman was me, I was her.
    "Time to go out sweetheart," My uncle Haymitch, Effie's husband, told me. He was walking me down the aisle. I turned towards him and took a hesitant step forward and my heel twisted.
    "Nope, nope nope nope nope nope nope nope, the heels are coming off I'm going barefoot." I said bending down trying to take them off on my own.
    "Katniss" my mom said putting her hand out.
    "Just let her," Aunt Effie said, I smiled thankfully at her as Madge ducked under my skirt and took the shoes off.
    "Okay let's go!" I said, walking towards Haymitch. He led me to the makeshift wedding we created in the meadow. As I walked down the aisle and my eyes met those ocean blue ones I knew instantly that any feelings I had about, not wanting to find love or have a family, had disappeared Peeta changed my whole view on life. He was my dandelion in the spring. When it was time for vows Peeta started.
    "Katniss, you are my everything my sun my sky my home my heart. Without you my life wouldn't be worth living, I wish I had told you sooner, I wish I had helped you before you were on the brink of death I wish I hadn't made you wait till I was being sent away to find me. I'm sorry for all those things but I'm so glad I met you, I'm so glad I heard you sing, I'm so glad you needed my support because with being there for you and loving you my life would have no meaning. Katniss Everdeen you are my everything, I love you forever and always." By the time he finished the tears fell freely from my eyes and he smiled sweetly as he gently wiped them away.
    "Peeta, you are my hope. Without you my family and I would be long gone. You gave me bread, you gave me hope and you gave me letters. Your letters got me through the tough times. Your letters gave me hope for the future. My heart misbehaving fell in love with you. Although at the time the fact was dreadful, I'm ever so grateful that my heart is just as stubborn as I am. I love you more than words can ever express, I'll love you forever and always."
    It was  midnight and Peeta pulled out the bread and we sat next to the fireplace, together we toasted the bread. Peeta fed me the first bite and I gave him the second. Our wedding was truly perfect, our toasting was everything I'd dream it to be and our future will be just as perfect.
    13 years later, Peeta and I woke up this morning and I turned to him smiling.
    "It's been thirteen years." I told him.
    "Thirteen years its been." He agreed. "Willow and Rye will love the excuse to eat more cake." He told me.
    "Because they definitely need more excuses to eat cake" I smirked. Peeta being the baker he is found every excuse he could to feed them cake. Then we heard stomping and jumping down the hall. "Speak of the devils." I told him and he smiled. He stood up from bed and jumped into the hall, I heard the shrill little scream that meant he scared Willow.
    "Mommy! Mommy save me!" She screamed and I heard Rye's little baby giggle.
    "Rye? What is wrong with your sister?" I called. I heard Peeta grunt, and I assumed he picked up Rye too because I heard his little baby laugh getting louder.
    I stood up and went into the hall, I saw Peeta carrying Willow on his back with Rye in one arm.
    "Mommy! Mommy saaaaveee meee!" Peeta cried like a baby. His cries just added to Willows so I went up to Rye. I scooped Rye out of Peeta's arms.
    "Oh Rye, what are these crazy people doing?" He laughed and snuggled his head Into my shoulder. He's always been a Mama's boy, the same way Willow was a daddy's girl. Our little family was perfect and happy.
    "Mommy! Daddy scared me then put me in his back! Help me!" Willow said.
    "Oh Wills, come here," I said. I swatted Peeta's arms making him release her, I handed Rye to Peeta then tickled her.
    The rest of the day Wills and Rye caused reaking Havoc. It was fun but tiring, at lunch we tried to tell them the plan.
    "Willow, Rye, thirteen years ago today mommy and daddy got married so tonight at dinner Mommy and Daddy are going to leave you two with Grandma and Auntie Prim, so we can have a special dinner." I explained.
    "Will you guys kiss?" Willow asked, I rolled my eyes but nodded.
    "Yes, we will kiss sooooooo much! I think I will start now." I grabbed Peeta's face and kiss him, I caught him off guard, he still had food in his mouth. Willow started screeching and Rye was laughing so hard. I pulled away from Peeta.
    "So Wills, will you behave or do you want to come with us and watch us kiss?" She had wide eyes and quickly said
    "I'll behave mommy, I'll behave!" I nodded and took a bite of my lunch.
    I smiled at my family, my amazing husband with his adorable blonde curls and endless blue eyes. My daughter, with her beautiful dark waves, and swirling blue eyes. My one and only Willow. My son with the adorable curls from his father and mesmerizing grey eyes that shone when he looked at me. My perfect little family was more than I could have asked for before.
    The endlessly perfect ending

There's the bed to this fairly short story. I hope you enjoyed it! The song they sing is like I said by Elvis Presley the version they listen to is the cover by Tyler Joseph.

Love for everyone,
Loony 💗💛💙

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