Part 2

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     Dear Katniss,

You my mockingjay are more beautiful than you know, your voice so soft and clear. I tell you now, that my heart is yours and only yours, hold it in your hands and protect it with your bow that you use ever so gracefully. You fly through those trees, mockingjay, you jump from trees you hunt with perfection only you have. Or so I hear I've never gotten the chance to watch you hunt in person, but I've imagined it, Your long beautiful waves of hair that fall onto your shoulders ever so lightly flys with the wind as you aim your bow. Your grey pools of silver that others think of as your eyes, but I see as the gateways to your soul, I see your deepest emotions there, of course I see passion and courage, it's fun when I notice curiosity or happiness within your eyes, I only notice those when you are with Prim. Your eyes focus solely on the game you plan on killing and eating, or trading. I love that Prim makes you so happy, she is a lovely young girl whom I care for so much, she is so important to you that, I'm afraid, its worn off onto me. I love you eternally, you will never see that though. I'm afraid this may be my last letter to you, but know that forever I will love you.

Your one and only, Dandelion
     My eyes welled up in tears as I read the last letter I received, the one with so much emotion poured into it that it was indescribable. It was my 72nd letter. Within the last 3 years who knew so many letters could be exchanged, I got about two a month, until this month when I received this letter. It was a week ago, I worried I was too late for whatever was causing him to stop his letters but I had to prepare Prim for my escape.

     "Prim, I am going somewhere do not worry about me, if I don't return in a week's time go to Gale and tell him dandelion he will understand. I'm leaving now." She nodded a confused nod and I hugged her, hopefully it wasn't the last time. "See you soon little duck." She nodded, her innocent little eyes showed so many emotions, so many caused by me. I walked out of the little building I called home and set out, to where I had no idea but I needed to figure it out. I saw my friend Madge walking down the street. We were different in so many ways but when the opportunity arose we got along well.

      "Madge!" I called out, she turned to me and headed in my direction, when she arrived and greeted me I asked her my only lead, "Do you recognize this handwriting, please don't pay attention to the words." I tried to single out the least heartfelt letter of all of them. I found this task incredibly challenging and the letter Madge read was still so incredibly intimate.

      "Actually I do Kat, but I can't put my finger exactly on who, definitely a blonde merchant's kid. Was it Delly Cartwright? I feel like it was either her or someone she is close to. Try Delly Cartwright, I doubt it her writing it, I'm sorry those words are hard to ignore, but she most definitely knows who the handwriting belongs to." Madge said, suddenly I second guessed my decision of telling Prim a week, by the way my investigation is going I will be going home tonight. My lover is most definitely not from a different district.

     "Okay, thank you so much Madge, I'll tell you if I find my dandelion!" I told her as I turned away in the direction of the Cartwright's Market. I skipped the whole way there and when I arrived Delly was quick to greet me.

      "Katniss! It's great to see you! It's been too long!"  She said chirpily.

      "Your right Delly it has been to long, you are actually just the person I needed to see!" I told her. She raised her eyebrows.

      "Really?" I nodded.

      "Can you please tell me who's handwriting this is it's important, try to ignore what the words are actually saying." She looked slightly disappointed but read the letter, as she examined it her face fell it seemed. "So do you recognize it?" I asked taking the letter back from her.

      "I do, it's Peeta Mellark" She said, my eyes flashed I tried to remember a face to this name but none came. "I'm sorry I seem so down about it, I just thought we might have had something but it's clear I was wrong, he never spoke to me like he wrote to you in that letter. Wait when did you get that?" She asked, making me worry about his reason to not write anymore and i remembered why I told Prim a week, he might have already left to a new district.

      "I'm sorry about that Delly. I actually received this one about 3 months ago but I received my most recent one about a week ago. He said it'd be his last and I wanted to find him before whatever was stopping him stopped him. " She smiled sadly, then replied

      "You're just in time, he leaves tomorrow better go catch him. While you can." I nodded and hugged her quickly then ran off, towards the Mellark Bakery to remember my dandelion. I pulled out a few coins I'd gotten from trading so it seemed like I was shopping. I walked in and was met with blue eyes.

      "Hi, how may I help you?" The guy asked.

      "Um, I'm looking for a Peeta Mellark." I said, unsure if that was the right road to travel.

      "Hm, you want a Peeta special birthday cake for your sister?" The guy asked. I looked at him confused for a second.

     "Yes, I'd like to speak to Peeta personally." I said, hoping this would lead to seeing my dandelion.

      "Well I'm sorry but those are being discontinued, Peeta won't have time for cake anymore." The guy said. I shook my head.

      "Fine then, do want to read the letter he sent me asking me to meet him here about this cake I'm ordering? No you don't I don't care what you think is happening I need to talk to Peeta, now. No buts about it!" I told him fiercely, done with the back and forth.

     "Fine, I knew you'd be coming soon anyway." I scowled at him but before i could respond he turned and left the front part of the bakery. After a few minutes he came back out with a boy younger than him. The boy had beautiful ashy blonde curls and endless deep blue eyes.

     "Dandelion?" I asked timidly.

      "Mockingjay" He replied, stepping forward and wrapping me in his warm embrace.

My beloved MockingJayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora