Chapter 16

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Newts POV:

How the frickle frackle was I a vampire. This didn't make any bloody sense.

It's been about a week now and all the people in the stupid garage-looking building have taught me all I needed to know.

1. I was a vampire
2. I was dangerous
3. I can't tell anybody
4. I can't go in the sun for that long anymore.
5. I needed to trust them
6. I was important
7. I needed to help them

And that's basically it.

Living here sucked, but there was one reason why I wanted to stay. Sammy.
I've been getting real close to her, and she's basically family. I love her.

It was Friday night, and the sun just set, and that meant we could have some fun. We headed out of the building, hand in hand, just her and I.

"So where are we going tonight Newt?" She asked me, while looking at me in the eyes and smiling. I grabbed her hand tighter, and smiled back at her. She was gorgeous.

"You'll find out." I was planning to take her to this bar, and maybe we could even go to a party or something afterwards. It felt like it was going to be a good night.

My mind was cleared, and all great things seemed like they were right around the corner.

Thomas's POV:

We've been on the road for awhile, and almost the whole time I felt like crying. I didn't want to live like this anymore. It was heartbreaking, I wanted to be with Newt. I wanted to feel his warmth, and look at his beautiful eyes, and his beautiful smile. I missed him, so much.

Teresa was there to comfort me, but it just didn't feel the same. I felt like I betrayed her, and caused her pain. I've done nothing good with my life. Im just a big screw up. One big terrible screw up.

Everyday seemed to drag on. The next day longer than the last. Minho wouldn't talk to me anymore, and I could understand why.

Today we decided that we were going to stop at a hotel, and take a break from driving. I didn't really care, it just sucked being with them really. I felt like I was bringing them down.

The sun just set, and we pulled over at the nearest hotel. It was small, but I didn't mind. We had just enough money to rent one room, and that's what we did. I didn't want to bother them so I slept in the car.

I looked out of the window, while I was in the parking lot, and just looked up at the stars. It was silent outside, but sometimes you could hear the wind blowing.

I just rested my head against the cold glass, and tried to fall asleep.

Right before I was about to fall deep into my dreams, there was a knock on the window, which scared me shitless. It was on my window, and as soon as I looked outside, my heart froze.

It was... Newt?

I opened the door and ran outside, and gripped onto him tightly. He out his arms around my waist too, and squeezed. I started crying and let all my emotions pour out of me.

"Thomas?" He said as he was resting his face into my shoulder.

"Yeah Newt?" I asked him, to unfortunately get an unexpected response.

"Who the hell is Newt? I'm Norman, the guy who owns this place." He said and backed away. Well shit this is awkward. I really thought it was Newt.

I immediately blushed, and almost started crying again from embarrassment. He stepped back away from me, and looked me in the eyes.

"Yeah Norman? What do you want?" I asked him in a shy voice. He looked like Newt too. He had blonde shaggy hair, and he was pale as well.

"I just wanted to know why you were in the car? Don't you have a room?" He asked with a stern look on his face. He seemed like a helpful guy, but he was just a little creepy. I didn't know if I should keep talking to this guy or not.

"Yeah I've got one, it's just that the people I'm sharing it with don't like me too much." I said shyly, not wanting to bring up the subject. It was cold outside, and the wind was started to pick up.

"Oh. I see then. Well if you need anything, you can come see me, my house is just right on top of the hill." He said and then smiled, and I smiled back. Now he seemed really nice. He was the type of guy I liked to be around.

"Can I stay with you then?" I asked him, knowing that I was crazy. He smirked, and then I felt unsafe. He nodded, but now I wasn't so sure. He seemed just a little bit weird.

"Wait, I'm just gonna go check on my friends really quick." I said to him, hoping that he wouldn't notice that I wanted to leave.

"NO! Oh um sorry, I meant, it's just that you'd wake them up." Now this started to get suspicious. I instantly sprinted to their hotel room, which was a couple of rooms away from the car. I started banging on the door, while Norman was running after me. I started to get covered in sweat, and I knew that this couldn't have been good.

"Thomas." he said to me, and I turned around. I barely even got to look at him before I heard a BANG and everything went black.

I could still think though. And all I thought about was Newt, and my memories with him. How sweet and handsome he was. How quiet and cute he could be sometimes, and how nice and generous he was. I thought of our little moments together, like when we would kiss, or when we would cuddle. I missed all of that. I thought about how we used to watch sunsets together, and how we would always spend time together. How his laugh was so sweet and adorable. How he would always be shy, and caring.

Then I thought about how he would protect me, and be there for me. I needed him more than he needed me. He would always stick up for me, and help me. Anytime I was stuck, he would get me free.

I loved Newt, and everything he did for me.

Newts POV:

As soon as we reached the bar, I could feel something in my heart ache, and I wasn't quite sure what, so I ignored it. I kept being nice to Sammy and supporting her.

We sat down at the bar, where other people sat, and we ordered a couple of drinks. I was watching TV, and so was Sam.

A game was on one of the TVs, and on the other was the news. Why the news? That was awkward, I thought to myself.

You usually don't go to a bar to watch the news though, so I focused on Sammy. My beautiful sweet heart Sammy.

She looked back at me and smiled. Her beautiful teeth were showing, and I couldn't help but smile back.

She then wrapped her arms around my neck, and my hands instantly went to her waist. She started smirking, and I found it so attractive, just like I always did. How could I not? I started to feel pressured, knowing that if I screwed up, everything could go to shit.

"Newt, I love you, okay?" She said to me as we were close. I could smell the alcohol in her breath, but I really didn't think she was drunk yet. Maybe she was though. My body started to tingle as she said those words, and I felt awkward.

"Okay." I said to her, and them her lips connected with mine. I started to blush, but knew she couldn't see it. We kept going, and took little breaths here and there. Her lips were soft and sweet, and it was unlike any kiss I have ever had.

Then in the background, I could hear the television, and when it said Thomas, my mind instantly turned away from her. Not only was I cheating on him, but he could be in danger. But what were the odds that it was actually him on the news. It could be some other Thomas.

I turned and looked over at the TV while Sam frowned, but I really didn't care right now. I needed to know if it was him.

It started talking about a murder, and about how a kid named Thomas was involved, and when I saw the pictures, my heart sank.


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