Chapter 31

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Thomas's POV:

I woke up early the next morning, with Newts arm wrapped around my bare chest. It just started to get light outside, and I smiled to myself. I grabbed one of Newts hands and played with his fingers.

I could feel his breath against my neck, and then I could feel him smile. He just grabbed my hand and sighed. "I can't believe it Tommy." He said in a low, quiet morning voice.

I turned around, and looked into his eyes that were barely open. "Me neither." I said shyly before I kissed him. I pulled away. I closed my eyes and I could feel Newts heartbeat.

"I wanna stay like this forever." I said to him. I've missed this so much and I just couldn't explain how much I wanted to have a good life with him. I needed to be with him, for the rest of my life.

"Forevers a long time." He said quietly. I could barely hear his voice. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. I ran my hands through his soft hair, that was all messy and dirty.

"I know, but I don't care." I mumbled. He laughed, and kissed me again.

"Me neither then." He said with a smile. He started to get up, and he rubbed his eyes when he got to the edge of the bed. I yawned and sat up with him.

He grabbed my hand, turned to look at me.

"I've got plans for today." He said with a smirk, and I got excited. I really didn't know what he had meant by that statement, but I'm guessing it was good.

"How much money do we have?" I questioned him. Wondering if he actually stayed up late to count it all.

"A lot." He laughed again and got up. He climbed over the money and went into the bathroom. I got up and turned on the television. It felt so foreign to me.

I watched the news and they talked about weather, and sports. I didn't really understand the current world. It feels so advanced and complicated.

The pretty girl on the screen just kept on reading. She then started talking about dogs, and I immediately thought back to Newts dog. He was just gone that day we went back looking for Teresa. I wonder what happened to him.

I started flipping through the channels, and looked for something entertaining. Cartoons were on, and that was almost it. Only one movie was on, and it seemed so stupid. I ended up watching this cartoon about a guy named Spongebob.

It totally absorbed all my attention and I couldn't look away from the screen. I couldn't understand most of it really, it was confusing. He liked to work and sing and I just thought about how annoying that would be to know him in person.

My stomach started to growl and I just wished that Newt would hurry up in the shower. I needed to take a shower too, and then I'm guessing we would go get some breakfast. I really didn't know what Newt had planned for today, but he seemed excited about it.

I guess that I should be excited to. All I wanted to do was go get Minho. We all needed to be together, and safe. It just had to happen, no matter what.


Newts POV:

I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I put on my clothes and pick up the hotel toothbrush. It felt so nice to be clean, and happy. Today I wanted to go out to eat, get some new clothes for the both of us, maybe get some phones or a car.

I was also hoping that we could look at some apartments or houses. Just someplace special, someplace that we could both call home. I could hear Tommy watching TV, and I stepped out of the hot bathroom.

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