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"It's a far cry from the walk-up in Houston, and the apartment in New Orleans. Look at it" Georgia says as my siblings and I glace at our new home.

"It's all ours? Just the four of us?" Austin gasps in disbelief and Georgia hums in agreement and a smile spreads across my little brother's face.

"I'm picking the biggest bedroom" Austin breaks out into a sprint into the home.

"And how much did this cost you?" I ask in concern. The house in front of us couldn't have been cheap and most definitely made a dent into her bank account. "oh bunny, you need to stop worrying all the time. Lighten up a bit. Look at this place." Georgia drags me into our new home.


It took me only a few hours to move all my stuff into my new room. I mean I don't really see the point of settling down, we'll just be moving again in the next few months anyway.

Ever since Georgia first adopted me when I was 8, we have moved a total of seven times. That's right we have moved at least once a year. Fun right?

I place the last piece of folded clothing in my dresser when I notice Austin standing in the doorway. "Hey what's up little man," I say crouching down to his level. I notice a slight pout on his face.

"You scared for your first day tomorrow?" I ask and he nods. I glance into the hallway and notice Ginny still unpacking and I get an idea. "Hm, well what if I told you if you go help sissy unpack her stuff I'll have a surprise waiting for you once you're done?" He breaks out in a smile and hurries on into Ginny's room.

"Mom, I'm taking the car. Gotta run to the store real quick. I'll be back in 15" I yell up the stairs and head out the door. 

As I'm about to climb into the car, I notice a boy in the next-door house sneaking out the window. He looks to be around the same age as Ginny and me. He is tall with long dark brown hair, a very chiseled jawline, and a rather skinny build. As he bends down to pick up his skateboard he and I make eye contact.

He raises an eyebrow at me and begins to walk in my direction. "Just moved in right?" the strange boy asks me and I nod. "I'm Marcus"

"Aspen" I reply. "Well, I'll see you around Aspen," He says before taking off into the street on his skateboard.


"I'M HOME" I scream kicking the front door open placing the keys on the counter with four cartons of ice cream in my hands. First to make it to the bottom of the stairs is a very excited Austin following behind him are Ginny and Georgia.

"really bunny?" Georgia questions me looking at the ice cream spread across the counter.

"In honor of tomorrow being our first official day in Wellsbury I thought an ice cream party was needed," I say holding up spoons with a smile.

Everyone grabs their tub of icecream and we spread out across the couch and put a movie on. Georgia comes up and gives a side hug and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Thank you bunny. We all needed this"

"Of course mom. It's us four against the world right?" I ask. "Yes, Bunny. I love you"

"I love you too" and with that, we finish our ice cream and head upstairs to get ready for the big day tomorrow.


*beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep*

I click the snooze button on my phone and groan. Ugh, time for our first day at yet another new school.

I get up and dressed in a pair of ripped oversized jeans, a white muscle-cropped top, and my white high-top converse. I brush my straight black hair and walk into the hallway checking that both my siblings were wide awake.

ASPEN - marcus bakerWhere stories live. Discover now