your kidding right?

8 0 0

oh no this cant be happening. my english teacher just informed me that me and nash grier are going to be working together for the rest of the year. really? i cant work with him.


from nashy// hey baee come over 

to nashy// be over in 5

from nashy// ight loser

i walked over to nashs house.

we were bestfriends always together, inseperable bestfriends

i walked into his house and saw him on the coach with a whoel bunch of snacks. hey i run adn jumo on him and start laughing and for the rest of the nght we watched movies and fell asleep on a pallet we made on the ground.

*end of flashback*

I felt the tears coming on but i brushed them back.

no no no no no


from nashy// we need to talk right now its urgent. 

to nash// open your front door then

he opens the door and i can see hes been upset.he walks upstairs to his room and i follow him he shuts the door when we both get in. 

"im so sorry destiny, it just came out."

"nash explain to me, what happened?"

"william, we were playing a game and he took my phone and read all of our messages about your secret and told everone at school about you secret. i'm so sorry. " nash had tears in his eyes

" i-i h-have to go bye" with that i ran out the door*

*end of flasback*

ever since then nash has been with his group bulling me and i have 1 friend taylor who is always there for me. Me and taylor play tournament softball together and without softball i would probablt dead rigth now but yeah.. so this should be a great year in englsh...( the the sacasm)

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