no buts.

16 0 0

        when we got to nashs house a flood of memeories flew throigh my head ofboth of us.. see nash and is friends now always either hit on me or bully me but here latley they have been EXTRA friendly... i dont know why either.... 

        we go upstairs to his room and start working 1 hour later we are so off topic talking sbout the most random things in history.. but it kinda feels good. we started at 0 and now in friend ship level i would say we are at like maybe a 5 out of 10.. but its going to take me a while to trust hik again because when his friends still bully me he just watches but then when we do our project everything is okay. i dont like it.

so right now we are eating popcorn watching tv when he asks a random but deep question

"destiny. can i please have my bestfriend back?"

i sign " nash. eveyday at school when your friends bully me you sit and watch, a real friend doesnt do that. like taylor for example she never lets anyone ever give me or her crap when were together she sticks up for everyone. you dont your popularity is more important than our friendship and you have to prove to me that our friendship actually means something to you and im not just another spect in the dirt."

"but dest- " i cut him off 

" no buts nash.. im going home text me the next time we are working on the project.


Hey babes me here again. i hope you like it so far... and yes Taylor is my real bestfriend/sister in real life and she knows about the book... but yeah hey tayyy 

Typical English PartnersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora