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"Darling, wake up. We're here." I heard Tom and I slowly opened my eyes.
"Slept well?" He asked me.
"Hm" We got up, picked up our luggage and got off the train.

I am still so confused, why is he acting so differently. He is just like how he was the first time we met then I saw his evil side and now he is the sweet, smart Tom Riddle again. But no, I won't fall for his sweetness again. I'll be careful not to repeat the same mistake. Maybe he lied about meeting his father and he has something else in mind? Who knows? I am not going to blindly trust him again, not until I find a way to stop him.

"Where exactly are we going Tom?"
"Yes, so first we will be staying at my orphanage for the night and we will go and meet my Muggle father tomorrow."
The way he just always adds the word 'muggle' to describe his father.... Classic Tom.
I nodded and followed him.

We reached the Wool's Orphanage and entered his room. Placing our luggage in the corner, I sat down on his bed. So, this is where he grew up. I'm excited to meet his friends here.

"Tom, you don't want to meet your friends?"
He looked at me and scoffed.
"Friends? I never liked any of them. I always knew that I'm different from them in so many ways. When I learned that I'm a wizard and these pathetic children are Muggles, I got a new reason to hate them. I chose to completely ignore them."

Little did I know that he has something evil planned in his head for these innocent people.
"Are you hungry?" He asked me sitting beside me on the bed.
"Yes, but I'd like to shower first."
"Well, make it quick then. They won't let you enter after 8 pm."
I nodded and picked out my fresh clothes and left.

I stepped in the shower and immediately calmed down as I felt warm water hitting my skin.
I came back and saw Tom writing something in his diary.
"We should go and have dinner before before they stop serving meals."
"Sure, I'm starving."

I can only pray that his plan doesn't involve anymore killing. I need to find something to stop him but how?
Wait, his diary! He could have written something in his diary, what he is afraid of or that one thing he is trying to avoid to make his plan work. Yes! I need to read it, I know it would be like invading his privacy but I'd rather do that than let people die because of something they can't control. Just somehow, I need to make him understand that whether a witch or wizard is pure blood or muggle born, they belong in the wizarding world.

This isn't as big as the great hall but it's enough. I could see some people staring at Tom with hatered and fear in their eyes. Fear? Did he do something to them as well? Some girls trying to talk to him, as expected. People were staring at me like I'm from another planet. Their stares were making me uncomfortable and I tried to ignore.

We went back into his room and I quickly got ready for bed.
"I can sleep on the floor for the night." Tom said as he entered the room after changing his clothes. This is the first time I've seen him without the school uniform. I'd be lying if I say that he isn't looking good.
I noticed that the bed is only for one person.
"Uh- or I could sleep on the floor?"
"No. I will be fine and besides, it's only for one night." I nodded at sat on the bed and he sat beside me.
"Mackenzie, I just wanted you to know that I am glad you decided to join me." He said holding my hand in his. I feel bad for lying to him. He thinks I am here because I am finally supporting him but I will just end up betraying him.
"I am ,too Tom." I smiled and he smiled back.

He leaned forward, placing his hand on my neck and rubbing my jaw with the pad of his thumb, I could feel his lips against mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his torso. We eventually pulled away for air.
"Good night, love."
"Good night Tom."

Switching off the light, I laid down on bed and closed my eyes. What are we even? We kiss randomly, I like him but does he? After few minutes of letting my thoughts keep me awake, I turned around to see Tom deep in sleep. I looked beside him to find his diary. This could be my only chance. I got up and slowly took the diary. Walking towards the door, as quietly as I could, I opened the door. Once I did so, I turned around to see Tom still sleeping. I sighed heavily before quietly closing the door. I made my way outside in the garden and sat down on the bench.
I opened his diary and began reading.

The reason behind killing people was to make horcruxes, and the reason behind horcruxes was to escape his biggest fear, Death, the reason behind hating muggles and Muggle born witches and wizards is his Muggle father betraying him and his mother. I can't blame Tom for being like this. He's been betrayed, made fun of, feared all his life.

"What are you doing out here young lady?" I jumped as I heard someone's voice. Quickly putting his diary away, I turned to see Mrs Cole, the matron of the Orphanage standing there.
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