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As we entered the room, all of their eyes landed on me. I hate being the center of attention. I sat down and waited for him to begin.
"So, as you all know....." He started talking and I didn't even pay attention. My mind was fixed on one thing. How will I stop him?
".......and that's when I decided who I will frame.."
"Who did you frame?" Lestrange asked him.
"That oaf Hagrid." Tom replied with a smirk on his face. He didn't just do that!


I am finally immortal. I just made my first horcrux. I was standing near the staircase as I watched them take her body away.
"Riddle." I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Dumbledore. Of course! Who else would it be?! "Come." He said .

"Professor Dumbledore." I said and walked towards him.
"It's not wise to be wandering around this late hour Tom." He said.
"Yes Professor. I-I suppose I had to see for myself if the rumors were true." I lied.
"I'm afraid they are Tom. They are true."
"About school as well? I don't have a home go to, they wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they Professor?"
He sighed and replied, "I understand Tom. But I'm afraid that Headmasters Dippet may have no choice."
"Sir, if the person responsible was caught...?
"Is there something.....you wish to tell me?"
"No sir. Nothing."
He lowered his head, looking at me suspiciously and I gulped.
"Very well then. Off you go."
"Good night sir." I said and left.

Instead of going back to my own dorm, I walked towards Hagrid's dorm. I looked back to see if someone was following me. Before opening his door, I pulled out my wand and checked one last time if someone was following me before entering.
"Evening Hagrid." I said and slammed shut the door behind me.
"I'm going to have to turn you in Hagrid. I don't think you meant to kill anyone but.."
"You can't! You don't understand!"
"The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow and the least Hogwarts can do is to make sure that the thing that killed their daughter is slaughter!"
"It wasn't him! Aragog never killed no one! Never!"
"Monsters don't make good pets Hagrid. Now stand aside Hagrid."
"Stand aside Hagrid!" I said raising my voice a bit.
I aimed my Wand towards him and said "APERIO!" With a flash of light, the box opened and spider runs out. I quickly aimed my wand at the spider and yelled, "ARANIA EXUMAI!"
"Aragog! Aragog!" He yelled but I quickly stopped him.
"I'll have your wand for this Hagrid. You'll be expelled Hagrid." I said and left.

I explained them everything and they seemed impressed except for Mackenzie. I looked at her waiting to say something. "Amazing." She dryly said and I could tell that she's lying.

"That is enough for today. You all can go back." I said and they all started leaving the room.
"Not you." I said as she was about to leave.


I can't believe what I just heard. Everybody was complementing him and he looked at me waiting to say something. "Amazing." I dryly replied.
"That is enough for today. You all can go back." He said and everybody started leaving.
"Not you." He said as I was about to leave. I gulped and stood there silently. He waited for everyone to leave and closed the door.

"So, how was your first day here."
"Great!" I replied sarcastically. He raised an eye brow at me.
"How could you?" I suddenly yelled.
"You ruined his life Tom! Why would you do that?!"
"You didn't really think that I was going to tell everyone the truth, did you?"
"Maybe you won't. But I will!"
"I'd like to see you try. Let's see who will believe you." He said walking towards me. With every step he took, I took one back.
My back hit the table behind me and I sighed in defeat.

He came closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. He picked up and sat me down on the table behind.
His face was inches away from mine. Why does he have to be so attractive! I hate his guts! I hate his looks!
"I hate you!" I said it out loud unintentionally. "No. You don't."
With that, he smashed his lips against mine and again, no matter how much I try to deny the fact that I enjoy this, I can't. I closed my eyes and kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I'm going to regret this so much later.
His lips travelled down to my jaw and neck. He kept on sucking and kissing my sweet spot and I unintentionally moaned.
"What? Does that feel good?" He said and I could feel him smirk against my skin. I ignored and bit my lip to prevent any other noises.
His kisses made their way to my cleavage and he kept going lower and lower and that's when I finally came back into reality.
"Alright, that's enough." I said waiting for him to stop.
"I said that's enough!"
He pulled away, his arms still around my waist.
"Don't say that you didn't enjoy that." He said and left leaving me behind in regret.

I have been in the same spot for how some time now. Two days ago I kissed Tom, yesterday I kissed Abraxas and today? Tom again. What have I become? I inhaled deeply trying to stop myself from crying but failed miserably. Tom. He makes me cry almost every time we meet. Abraxas on the other side, he makes me feel happy, alive, free. Why am I doing this to myself?

The relationship I have with Tom is toxic yet so addicting, I can't step away even though I know I should . I want someone to hug me tightly, let me cry on their shoulder and tell me that everything will be alright. Even though it doesn't seem like it will, but I need someone. It almost makes me laugh at how even though I have Aimee, Abraxas too...maybe; my family. I could write a letter to them right now and they would write back immediately, I still feel lonely, extremely alone, numb. I stayed at the ROR, silently crying to myself.

Wiping my face with my sleeves, I got myself together, pushing myself to gain some strength. Never in my life have I felt so exhausted and drained mentally and emotional. I opened the door and stepped outside. A sudden voice made me slightly gasp.

"Took you quite some time in there."

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