01 | Mona

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"Daddy, where's Marvin?!" I yelled from my room. We -- aka my sister, Mimi, my father, and I -- lived in a beautiful penthouse. We were rich; scratch that, beyond rich. The type of rich people would kill for. It's great when you don't have to work to get everything you want.

"I'm not sure. Ask Mimi!" My father shouted back to me from down the hall. He had been shuffling in his bedroom for the past two hours. We were suppose to have an important dinner tonight, which usually meant he found himself a new girl. Or, as I liked to call them, his temporaries; he always dated someone new for, like, a month and then left them. 

Ugh. I knew that if I shouted for Mimi, she would never answer me. Of course, like always, I would have to go downstairs and find Marvin myself. I had to do everything in this house; it was ridiculous. Our mother leaves our father, like five years ago, and then I, the first child, have to do everything. It's just not even fair. I have a life of my own, you know. 

As I walked down the steps, I could see a figure coming out of the elevator door. It was Matthew, my new boy-toy babe. He was Ethan's younger brother. Okay, hold up; younger not young. Two years younger is the furthest I will go, with the age I am right now, and Matthew's just a year younger than me. Anyway, I wasn't dating him to actually be with him. I was dating him to get back at Ethan for breaking my heart. 

SIKE. No one could actually break my heart. But he did break up with me, which was completely unacceptable. He had no right to do that, and now he has to pay the price.

"Hey," Matthew waved at me as I came closer to the first floor. I know I probably looked stunning to him, because I always looked stunning; it was just my nature.

"Hey," I smiled towards him as I walked up to him. Whether I meant to date him or not, Matthew was hot. And I was planning to play my cards right. Why waste such a beautiful face when you could use it?

"I got us tickets to a football game tonight. Wanna go?" He asked, pulling the tickets out of his pockets and flashing them towards me.

"Ew, god no." I uttered, looking at my nails to see if any of them had chipped. I definitely needed to get another manicure.

Matthew rolled his eyes at my response. "God, Mona. Are we actually going to do something together? What is the point of going out?" 

I looked at him with repulse. Did he not get it? We're not going out to go out; this is about payback.

"Mona, do you not get it? I'm betraying my brother by even associating myself with you. Do you understand that? And what's the point, when I'm not even getting anything out of this." 

Oh, to be a clueless boy. I swear, the cuter the face, the dumber the boy. Oops, I hope I don't offend anyone -- as if I care, though. 

"Honey," I stated moving closer towards him. Matthew was leaning against the wall next to the elevator. I came so close to Matthew's face that I could feel his breath. I pressed my body against his, feeling every inch of him. I could see the confusion clear on his face, and I loved it. 

I loved toying with people's emotions. It's even better than watching television.

"What makes you think you won't get anything out of this?" I asked as I ran my hand down his chest, working my way down his body. I wrapped my hand around his bulge, very aware of how I made him feel, and looked at him with wily eyes.

This move always worked on guys.

Hey, I was ready to do anything to make him stay. This wasn't my first rodeo, if you know what I mean. This was about me fulfilling what I needed to do, which was ruining Ethan's life one step at a time. What better place to do that then with his brother?

"Okay," he breathed, moving his head closer to mine in hopes of kissing me. But instead of receiving his kiss, I blocked him by moving my hand and body away from him.

"No, no, sweetie. This will be on my terms." I moved my body closer to him again and whispered, "I like to be in control." I winked at him as a devious smile appeared on my face. 

"Alright then, call me when you need me." He grinned as he moved towards the elevator, pressing the button, and leaving the house. 

"Wow," I heard a voice from the corner of the room. A voice that annoyed me more than anyone could ever imagine: my sister.

"What?" I snarked at her. The expression on my face quickly changed as her annoying face appeared from the corner of the room. 

"How do you sleep at night knowing you're such a bitch?" Mimi asked. 

I laughed, "Perfectly actually."

Marvin, my little baby dog that I adored, soon came into the room. He must have been hanging out in one of the guest rooms, as he often did. We had a bunch of free rooms.

"Marvin, baby." I said as kneeled down and patted Marvin. He was the best pet I ever had, and I have had thousands of dogs before. Daddy always got me a pet when I wanted one. Actually, I don't think he's ever said no to any of my shopping requests.

"You know you're just messing with him, right? Like you're aware of what you're doing?" Mimi asked as he leaned her shoulder against the wall near the elevator. 

I stood up and walked towards the stairs. Right before I went up, I turned around and looked at Mimi saying, "Let me give you a piece of advice, sister. You don't need to give someone the prize to get what you want. Sometimes you just need to dangle it enough to get what you want."

"That's psychotic." Mimi muttered, disgust filled her eyes.

"Then why does it work everytime?" I asked, turning myself around, with a grin on my face. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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