Chapter 4

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Elizabeth and Marian had been up for some time before they're father. Sitting the lounge Elizabeth was with her thoughts all she thought about was .... Sir Guy of Gisborne the sheriffs henchmen, Elizabeth noticed that he had rather a lot on hka shoulders she felt sorry for him.
Elizabeth sighed inaudibly, her head to absorbed with thoughts of Sir Guy.
" What are you plans for today sister"? Asked Marian smiling.
" oh nothing special I thought I might restock the natn with fresh hay"! Elizabeth offered.
Marian noticed that her sister was in her head alone with her thoughts she wondered whom she could be thinking about. " Who are you thinking about Ellie"? Asked Marian. Elizabeth did not especially wish to tell her for she knew that she would go to Robin with it and tell him ...... and that was risk Elizabeth could not take.
" nothing I merely thinking about father that is all"! Elizabeth stated smiling.
Marian had the knack for knowing when her sister was lying . " You're lying! You're not thinking of father at all! .... so who are really thinking about"? Marian pressed.

" and why should I tell you Sister? I love you I really do but I'm hardly going to tell you if you are using me to relay any of my thoughts to ...that common criminal and now a outlaw"! Elizabeth fumed.

Marian knew she did not like Robin at all, she however (Marian) still kept the pretence of not loving Robin.
" Please marian! Do not try and dieceve me you can try that with the Sheriff and Sir Guy but you cannot fool me ... so I'm asking not to okay ..... tell the truth for once in your life"!

" And what about you... you were very friendly with Sir Guy last evening"! Retorted Marian.
" Everytime you and that outlaw Locksley get together it beings nothing but trouble ... Tell the gods truth marian do you still love him"? Asked Elizabeth angrily.

They had returned home after the banquet at the Castle Elizabeth was feeling tired she had had a rough day and now she is friends with one the most cruel men in England..... Sir Guy of Gisborne.

" Answer me do you still love him"? Asks Elizabeth fuming quietly at Marian rolled her eyes and says " yes I do love him"! She answered Elizabeth who carried on restocking the barn with fresh hay.
Lifting them she stacked them on top each other. " alright! Then sister let me ask you this .... " are you falling for Sir Guy"? Asks Marian.
" I am on his friend Marian nothing more nothing less let assure you there is nothing going on between me and Sir Guy"! Elizabeth spoke truthfully.
" Hes a gallant gentleman could you say the same about your precious outlaw Locksley"? Retorted Elizabeth.

Marian made no answer to her sisters fury instead she went inside to get ready for the festivities at the Castle .... the hanging that Robin was presiding over.

Elizabeth did not make after her she was too absorbed in stocking the barn with fresh hair and sweeping out the old.

As she continued with her morning task she heard the neigh of a horse she tensed slightly as she thought might have been Locksley and his man back again. She thought fuming " oh for heavens sake what on earth does he want this time"?  Rounding the corner on his black stallion it was Sir Guy.

" Elizabeth I am surprised to see you there"! He commented smiling (something that rarely seen with Sir Guy).
" thankyou sir Guy but someone must do it my father cannot he is to old"! Elizabeth explained.
" Aren't you coming to the castle"? He asked tenderly concerned.
" yes but I want to be there to protect my sister from that outlaw and my father"! Elizabeth explained.
" I only wish that I could protect you"! He said quietly.
" it is no matter Sir Guy I can protect myself I was taught to fight"! Elizabeth reasoned.
" I hope for the right scenes"! He suggests.
" of course why else"? Elizabeth smiled.

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