Chapter 1: A Sudden Meeting

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I woke up at exactly seven in the morning, as always. I was so used to it that I no longer needed an alarm. It was like it was programmed into my system. I got out of bed the same way I did everyday, by turning over and rolling out, planting my feet on the ground and lifting myself up just before I could tumble off the bed.

I dragged myself to the shower to freshen up and get ready for the day. Although I was in every way a morning person, I hated taking showers in the morning, it was the worst.

After taking my shower and getting dressed, a normal child my age would probably be running around the house trying not to be late to school but not me. I casually walked over to my desk which was a cluster of my laptop, several books and loose sheets of papers, pens, pencils, the usual sort. I reached under it, pulling out the package that had arrived yesterday.

Placing the blade gently on the tape, I cut it open. I pulled out the book in it, running my eyes over the front cover and reading through the back, it seemed intriguing enough.

The sounds of people moving around the streets on a Monday morning caught my attention. I walked over to my closed blinds, pushing the edge of the curtain away just enough for me to see through it. I stood there watching children and their parents rush out of their houses into their cars and drove off, students cruised along the roads casually heading to school.

I couldn't help the feeling of longing that settled in my chest, but as it came it quickly disappeared.

The sound of the front door of my house opening and closing caused me to look down. I saw my sister walk out of the house, her opened bag in her hand as she shuffled through it. My mom yelled something at her from inside and she yelled back an okay.

She looked up, her eyes immediately catching mine. She would probably had known that I would be here, after all she did know me better than anyone, sometimes even myself or I could just call it a twin thing. She smiled, waving at me, I smiled back but by then she had already turned and was headed for school.

Once her figure disappeared and I couldn't see her anymore I turned back to my room, closing the blinds. I hopped on my bed, book in my hand, lying down on my side before flipping open the first page, ready to get lost in the world of books.

By the time I had finished reading it was already afternoon. I picked up my phone, the time read some minutes past five, my sister would be home anytime soon. I had stayed in my room all morning and now my stomach protested in hunger.

I wiped the tears off the corner of my eyes before getting off my bed and heading out of the room for the first time today. I headed into the kitchen to make a gyoza for myself, more like three I suppose because one wouldn't be enough to fill me. With my outdated music playing on my phone, I got on to making my gyozas.

Finally, I was done. I picked up the plate and headed up to my room. I had already finished one of them when I realised that I had no water to drink and I was already really thirsty. Once again I rushed out of my room.

On my way down the stairs, I froze because I heard voices, several of them. The only one I could identify was my sister's. Who brings friends over on the first day of school? My sister apparently.

I quickly rushed back up the stairs before they could see me. Stupid stupid Misumi. What am I going to do now? I sighed, sulking all the way back to my room. After shutting the door gently behind me, I pressed my back against it sliding all the way to the bottom. I was really freaking thirsty and hungry and now pissed.

After waiting for about an hour, just sitting there fiddling with my phone, I decided to go back downstairs. I hadn't heard any sounds from there for about twenty minutes now so I assumed that all of Misumis friends had already left. I was still pretty skeptical though, but my thirst was greater.

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