Tap Tap Tap

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Hey you all! *Angry mob holding pitchforks and torches* heh heh, how have you guys been?


Um...I'm sorry alright! I've been busy trying to avoid my work and actually doing work that piled up from me not doing work. I'm very sorry. Please forgive me?


I'll try updating more often, but my mind lately has run out of ideas. I do have extras, so I can still update. Yeah!


I have cookies?

"What kind?" someone yells out.

Chocolate chip?

*Angry mob rushes and tramples me to get the cookies, knocking me out*

Well love you too. Jeez. If anyone is interested though, I am taking a huge test tomorrow to see if I can make it into this uber important school. Yeah, so wish me luck!


Well then, back to my poem since all you guys care about is food and my poems (maybe). I would like to dedicate this poem to my friend whose birthday is today wish her a happy birthday! Anyways, on with my story while eating the cookies you got when you TRAMPLED ME.


Tap Tap Tap

She flies out of her house

Hoping she's not too late

She forgot what time it was

She hoped she could make it on time

Tap Tap Tap

He taps his feet impatiently

Wondering what's taking her so long

Tap Tap Tap

She knew she should have took the car

The park was too far to make it

And it was cold outside

But she didn't want to waste more time

So she kept running

Tap Tap Tap

He's pacing back and forth

And his mind starts to wonder

Maybe she doesn't actually love him

Maybe something happen to her

He checks his watch once more

She still wasn't there

Tap Tap Tap

She checks her watch again

Knowing that there was a chance he had left

She didn't care

Hoping that maybe he was still there

Tap Tap Tap

He's still pacing

While trying to call her

He keeps getting voice mail

Tap Tap Tap

She knew she had forgotten something

And it just had to be her phone

She thought bitterly

Panting with her legs burning

But she still ran as fast as she could

Tap Tap Tap

He started slowly walking home

But he kept turning around every so often

Hoping she would come into view

Tap Tap Tap

She was almost there

She just had to cross the street

But she made a mistake

She didn't see the red hand

She ran halfway

And that's as far as she got

Tap Tap Tap

He was angry

She hadn't came

So he ran home angry

Not even knowing the truth

Tap Tap Tap

The man jumped out of his truck

Running to the young girl he had just hit

He started calling 911

Tap Tap Tap

Her parents ran into the hospital

Running to the emergency doors

And her mom collapses

Crying in despair

While her dad cries along with her

Tap Tap Tap

He paces around the room

Getting angrier and angrier

He punches the wall

He couldn't believe she never showed up

Tap Tap Tap

Was the last thing she did

She flew as hard as she could

But she never made her destination

And now she flies in heaven

Hoping she can meet him once more

Tap Tap Tap






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