Part 9

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"Alright Gold, What the hell just happend!" Emma demanded as soon as they had got Goldilocks onto a bench in the backroom of Mr. Gold's pawn shop. "what, you think this is all my fault?" he replied. "well, given your recent and non recent history, yes I think you did something." Emma crossed her arms. just then the liitle bell at the front of the shop dinged. "Go away we're closed!" Rumple shouted, still in the back room. a minute later Belle entered the back room. She stopped when she saw Goldilocks, "What's going on here?" she directed the question at Ruby. "well, so my friend Goldilocks was found in the woods and she didnt remember how she got there, well no she was kinda unconsious sooooo anyway we brought her here after she got out of the hospital to see if we could find anything of hers here and we found her sword and when she touched it she kind of collapsed....." Ruby took a big breath and sighed. Belle held up her hand, "I may have something that can help." she said and turned to the cabinets. she started rummaging through them untill she found a book. she opened it slowly and turned to the page she wanted. "Here it is! when someone has suffered from memory loss, usually touching something that was once theirs is enough to trigger the memories. Sometime if its a a lot it can knock them out for a few minutes." she closed the book. Emma thought for a moment, "Oh! like what happened when I touched Henry's book. except when I touched it it didnt trigger a lot." 'Well if that's true," Rumpe started, " then she should wake up in around 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." sure enough, Goldilocks opened her eyes. "I know what happed." she said. Emma nodded, "Can you tell us?" "Yeah, I remember their names. Kora and Hook."

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