Part 4

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Emma paced across the hospital room, deep in thought. No more than a minute after her parents had shown her the girl she had leapt into action. It took all three of them to move the log off of them girl and a total of 5 (anxious) minutes for the ambulance to find them. The girl was transported to the hospital. Emma's thoughts were disrupted by the door to the room opening. She looked up, "Dr Whale," she addressed doctor Frankenstein. "Do you know who she was, how she got there, even how long she was there?" A steady stream of questions poured out. "For all I know sheriff, her name is Jane Doe, she was wandering in the woods and judging by the mud on her face I'd take it she was there for about a night." Dr whale answered calmly. Emma sighed, she'd had already asked everyone she could find if they knew the girl but nobody knew she was. "Thank you, Doctor." She finally said, pushing her way out the door.

"I'm telling you! Nobody knows who she is!" Emma protested as Mary Margaret questioned her about the girls identity. "Who is?" A voice came from behind them. Emma turned around to see Henry standing behind her. Emma sighed agian and held up her phone, "This girl was found yesterday and we can't figure out who she is." Henry studied the photo "Hmm she looks about Ruby's age, ever try aking her if she had a friend in the enchanted forest?" "Wait so you're not only saying that the girl who we found unconscious under a log is Ruby's freind but that she's from the enchanted forest?" Emma raised her eyebrows. "Yeah." Henry nodded. Mary Margaret looked at her "it's worth a shot". A few minutes later Emma was showing Red the photo. "Yeah I know her, or did. She wasn't brought to storybrooke by the curse for some reason." She said it like the memory pained her "why?" "Because she's here" Emma explained. Ruby's eyes widened "show me". Another few minutes later Ruby was standing by her bedside "do you know her?" Emma asked . "Yeah, her name. Is Goldilocks

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