Hero or Villain

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(Everything is pretty much canon up to here except Midoriya has been struggling with depression for the last 8 years due to Bakugo's bullying)

"You know if you really wanna be a hero that badly there actually might be another way, just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building." Bakugo said to Midoriya and walked off with his friends.

Midoriya stayed behind in class for a minute, finishing packing his stuff and then left the classroom. He started walking towards the main exit of the school but turned and started heading towards the roof.

"Maybe Kacchan is right, maybe it'd be easier to just end it here" Midoriya thought to himself while sitting near the edge of the roof.

He contemplated it while crying, but after about 10 minutes he decided against it and went home.

(This delay caused him to not run into the sludge villain, All Might got the villain before Midoriya left the school.)

When he got home, he just went right into his room and changed out of his uniform. He thought about what Bakugo said and figured if he wanted any chance at getting into UA, he'd have to do some training, so he did some research, talked to his mom about getting some equipment and going on a specific diet, and started training in fighting with and without weapons.

(Time skip 5 months)

He was out late at night, getting in one last work out before going to sleep, but as he was running through the forest near his house, he saw someone else. It was about 9:30 PM, so it was a bit odd to see someone else out at this time but he didn't think much of it. As he got closer he got a better look at the person, it looked like a man, but covered in some sort of dark mist or smoke. Still, he didn't think anything of it, until he was a few steps past the mist man, the man stopped him, "hi, excuse me," the man said. Midoriya stopped and turned around "yeah? Do you need something?" "I wanted to ask you a few questions." Midoriya was confused. "Who is this guy? What does he want?" Midoriya thought to himself, he always carried a switchblade in his pocket when he went out at night, so he wasn't too worried, but he was definitely sketched out by this guy. "What's your name?" The mist guy asked "Izuku Midoriya" "Why are you out so late?" "I'm training, I'm trying to get into UA." "He's trying to get into UA, he might not join.." The mist man thought to himself.

"My name is Kurogiri, I'm part of this group called the league of villains, we are currently trying to increase our numbers." "This guy is a villain? I knew something seemed off, but he wants me to join them?" Midoriya thought to himself. He started thinking. He started thinking about how Bakugo treated him, how everyone had treated him, because he was quirkless, because of something he can't control.

"You want me to join you?" Midoriya asked. "Yes." Kurogiri responded, "will you?" "Yes." "Thats surprising- seeing as you're training for UA, I figured it'd be harder to convince you-" "It's because my life is shit. Everyone hates me because I'm quirkless, my childhood 'friend' bullied me since we were about 5, and about 5 months ago told me to kill myself, knowing I have depression. And I almost did it. But I'm glad I didn't, because now, I can get revenge." Midoriya said, a sinister grin making its way across his face as he said the last part.

"Welcome to the league. Would you like to meet the other members?" Kurogiri said. "Sure" Midoriya responded. Kurogiri then opened a warp gate and Midoriya walked in, into the league's base. Kurogiri closed the warp gate and stood behind Midoriya.

Standing there he only noticed 1 other person, a guy with a hand on his face.

"Kurogiri, who is this child?" The hand man asked. "His name is Izuku Midoriya and he would like to join us." Kurogiri said in response "hmm, what's your quirk and why do you want to join us?" "I'm quirkless, and I want revenge. See, my childhood 'friend' bullied me since we were 5, just because I was quirkless, everyone except my mother hates me, just because I'm quirkless. And said childhood 'friend' told me to kill myself about 5 months ago, KNOWING I HAVE DEPRESSION! That's why."

"Alright, how old are you?" The hand man asked. "14. I was training when Kurogiri found me, I wanted to get into UA but I doubt that will happen.." Midoriya said. "You could be useful. What if i told you I could get you a quirk?" "That's impossible." "You'll see soon that it is. Oh, by the way, my name is shigaraki" he said as he walked into the other room and made a phone call.

(A few minutes later)

Shigaraki came back into the room, "Kurogiri, open a warp gate to the boss." "Yes." Kurogiri said, opening a warp gate. A man walked in, he was wearing a suit and it looked like he didn't have eyes. Midoriya wondered how he could even see. His thoughts were cut off by the man speaking "I am all for one, you must be the new member, I heard you're quirkless." The man said.

"Yeah, Shigaraki said he could somehow get me a quirk, are you the one I can get one from?" Midoriya asked. "Indeed." AFO then asked Midoriya a few basic questions to figure out the right quirk so his body could actually handle it, just blood type and what quirks his parents had. Midoriya answered them and AFO decided the perfect quirk and gave it to him.

Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Hellspawn

With this ability he is able to control, shoot, breathe, and surround his body with fire, although he doesn't overheat like Endeavor does. His eyes also glow a crimson red when he's using his quirk.

AFO told him what his quirk can do and he wanted to test it out so they brought him into the training room so he could. He tested out his abilities and kinda burned his clothes (it was only his top). "We're gonna need to get you a fireproof outfit. I'll call Giran." Shigaraki said. He left the room for a few minutes to make the call. When he came back in he said "Giran said it should be ready within a couple days, he'll need a sketch of what you want it to look like so bring one here tomorrow, until then, don't use your quirk too much." "Got it." Midoriya said. He was excited, he would finally be able to get revenge on Bakugo.

"Also," Shigaraki said, "you should probably put on some new clothes. Follow me." He started walking away and Midoriya followed him, they got to a room, it was a decent size room with a twin sized bed, a small desk and a closet. "This will be your room, if you ever need a place to stay or get found out just come back here. There should be something that fits you in the closet." And with that he left.

Midoriya had managed to find something similar to what he left his house in, a white T-shirt and black sweatpants.

He exited the room and went back to the bar area after getting changed. It was getting a little late, about 10:15 PM, and he figured he should head back home. When he left the bar he pulled out his phone to check his location and headed back home, it wasn't too far, about a 20 minute walk.

When he walked in he was greeted by his mother "I was starting to get a little worried, what took you so long?" She said "sorry to worry you, I just lost track of time." He lied. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed now, goodnight." "Goodnight." Inko responded.

He's Quirkless... Right? (Villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now